Some research into CP

Maman has received the following from a contributor named Uma, supposedly the results of a research project into the use of corporal punishment on children in India. We present it unedited and without comment regarding reliability or veracity. Role of Corporal Punishment at Home for School-going Kids in India For my Bachelor of Education project […]

Caned by Sarah

During the 1970s, the cane was quite often in use at the primary school I attended, although one had to be pretty badly behaved to warrant its attention, or that of the headmaster. Although I never received the cane myself, I learned from several other pupils who had that the routine for its application was […]

An unexpected visit

I am from Germany, and grew up being cared for by my grandmother. She was always very loving to me – except when I did something wrong. When that happened, I only ever received one kind of punishment – a spanking on my bare bottom. This was usually administered with a cane – my grandmother […]

My nephew’s bedtime

Although my own children were no strangers to a spanking, as I have set out in previous accounts, I must say I never expected to be called upon to warm my nephew Daniel’s bottom. Yet that was exactly what happened when Daniel was nine years old. My sister Cristina had arranged a weekend in Paris […]