Upon exiting the bathroom, Katherine heard the bedroom door open. Abby walked out, wearing very casual clothing. She was happy to see that she had put her glasses back on, since she knew she got headaches easily without wearing them for a while, and that she had managed to fix herself up […]
Baby Of The Family DRAFT
Katelyn stays put, closes her eyes, half-listening as a muffled conversation takes place by front door. “But Mom…‟ And then when that doesn’t apparently cut it, as if two extra letters will work magic, “Mommy“. And that will work. Katelyn falls back onto the couch, rubs her eyes, and waits while her sister is mollified. […]
A Little Personal Time
Furiously she wrote, scribbling down in her notebook as quickly as she possibly could, trying to copy down what was on the blackboard before the professor came back in. The man was notoriously protective of his work, and if he were to find out that his assistant was trying to copy down his ‘secret equation’ […]
“What do you mean you can change reality?” Alice asked her boyfriend Steve. “Exactly what it sounds like, if this thing works right. I don’t think I can break the laws of physics, but I can adjust just about anything else. You just need to use some lamb’s blood invert the reflex manifold around the […]
The Infinite Shape
Imagine if you will that our lives are strings, flowing along side an infinite number of other strings, either of your own, alternate reality lives, or other lives. Now suppose that some disturbance can cause a ripple in one of these strings. As the ripple worsens, past end of the thread comes closer to the […]
Captain Obvious
“It changes reality,” explained Alexander to his girlfriend, Emily. “What do you mean?” she asked. She didn’t like the fact that Alex kept buying whatever bizarre thing caught his fancy off of Ebay. Each thing seemed stupider and more useless than the last. Last week, it was a “haunted” toaster, and the week before it […]
A Song of Yuletide
A Song of Yuletide Before I could follow any further, the dog galloped over me, taking up the entire hallway. “Are you ready for your next memory?” I almost said no to see what he’d do – none of the other “guides” had bothered to ask what I wanted – but shrugged instead. The hallway […]
Diapered Dandy And The Circle Of Thorns
Diapered Dandy And The Circle Of Thorns (Complete) Part II: Storm Clouds Chapter IV: Maelstrom Severe called up psychic bubbles to help protect her comrades, but watched with despair as the onslaught against them quickly rendered them useless. She quickly conjured a large force of energy to press back a wave of attackers that were […]
Diapered Dandy: Birth Of A Hero
Diapered Dandy: Birth Of A Hero (Complete) <center>Part II: New Kid On The Block Chapter I: Fighting Skills, Shmighting Skills</center> Jesseca paced back and forth in the office of her trainer, Mr. Rick Davies. Chewing her lip nervously she pondered how she was going to tell him she didn’t know how to fight. The door […]
Anna’s Baby
Part XIII Part XIV Anna arrived home at five there she was met by a smiling Baby Dan-Dan and his ever vigilant nanny. “So how has my little baby been?” She cooed as she tickled Daniel. “Daniel’s been a dream, his sitter Baby Tasha’s been running me ragged.” “The good news is that […]