Julia had not seen this coming. Not in a million years. But hearing the story and watching Kate tell it really touched her. Kate was cool. Kate had confidence. Kate was a popular girl who was supposedly an amazing volleyball player, and still was kind enough to do something like this. Some part of her […]
Adult Baby
Alice’s Adventures In Diaperland Scene 3
After walking for what seemed like an eternity, Alice stopped to rest next to some giant mushrooms. By now, Alice was thought nothing of her strange surroundings. She was standing next to a huge fungus, but wasn’t she also dressed as an oversized baby? A voice came from atop the mushroom, and Alice jumped when […]
A Reflection of a Diapered Future Scene 3
After six months, the mental condition of the former Anthea had seriously deteriorated as she became acclimated to her new life and the aphasic part of the pattern she had imposed on Kayla’s physiology became active. Kayla giggled a lot at the strange and funny former things of her life that were forgotten at the […]
ABDL Regression Transformation Scene 3
I awaken again. This time I am covered in green sterile field sheets. I see Lisa washing her hands and arms all the way to her elbows. I am so high and euphoric. My mind isn’t working … I know there is something I should be afraid of … can’t think. Lisa turns from the […]
Alison & Her Little Secret Scene 3
Douglas’s first morning as a real baby went by fairly uneventfully. The mittens were removed from his hands. He played with his toys and watched Nickelodeon’s, Nick Junior. The more he used his diapers the more natural it felt. By lunchtime he was unknowing wetting and messing his pants without any reservation at all, it […]
Alfred and the Little Mortal Scene 3
Ray looked more scared than before. “so I’m to become some drooling baby…but if I do good things I’ll change back right?” Alfred smiles. “yes of course. But I don’t think you will make it. Once you reach 22 years of age again you will be fixed but I don’t see that happening but […]
Theodore & The Three Babysitters Scene 3
Theodore is spanked into submission and agrees to obey his babysitters and not talk back. Before Sandra lets Theodore up he agrees to be diapered and not take off anything he is dressed in. “Yes mamm, I will obey my babysitters completely,” Theodore said. Thad’s bottom is a bit red but no real harm is […]
ABDL Nursery Dreamland Scene 3
“No!” Malcie almost screamed. “I won’t wear…” “Don’t fuss so little girl,” the woman said as she pushed a pacifier into Malcie’s mouth. “Now, let’s get to work.” Malcie could not spit the pacifier from her mouth and could only mumble around it. The woman produced a damp washcloth and used it to clean Malcie […]
Wonder Wet Lynn Scene 6
Jemima spun around just in time to see a large Hellion warrior’s fist rocketing toward her. The impact sent her flying across the building and skidding to a stop near the table where the two others were sitting. “Well looky what the cat drug in.” One of the Hellions said with a demented grin. Jemima […]
The Curse of Little Ollie, Scene 8
“i-it was an accident… I-I got found by a few cops who pointed guns at me! and I… well I wet myself in fear… then my girlfriend… well not my girlfriend anymore but she put me in the pull up and told me she would visit me a lot… I was going to remove it […]