Conversations with Vincent are a rare thing these days, which is probably more down to me than than it is him. I returned to my comic but spent more time wondering what it would be like if it was me that had won the game of Happy Families some three months ago. I wondered if […]
Adult Baby
A Favourite Doll Called Catherine, Scene 7
Austin was very optimistic now, hoping this guy was everything he built himself up to be. He was daring to think of some of the rarer finds when the owner interrupted his thoughts. “Say, if I remember correctly, your friend was getting it for your birthday wasn’t she?” “Yes that’s correct. Just turned 27.” The […]
Loretta The Diaper Witch Scene 13
The women in the salon, both sides, began a constant chatter with Loretta and Rupert, with comments to Rupert like congratulations, she was going to love dressing up and wait till “her” first formal and how pretty “she” looked already. There was no chance for Rupert to answer back and it was clear he didn’t […]
So Long to Normality Scene 20
One funny thing happened a little while after our guests had left.Connie had come upstairs to see if I needed changed, which I most certainly did. Nugget was reclinin’ on my bed and I was sittin’ near the foot of my bed.Connie looked at Nugget and said, “Unless you want diapered too you better get.” […]
Wonder Wet Lynn Scene 2
“Before the demonstration begins, are there any questions?” she asked, and looked across the sea of people for any raised hands. Seeing none she gave the signal to start the machine. Stepping down from the podium and removing her sweater, Jemima rolled up the sleeves of her shirt and stepped in front of the humming […]
A Favourite Doll Called Catherine, Scene 6
Finally she realized there would be nothing for her today. She would be unable to talk to the old man and give him back this toy that had such a hold over her. She looked down at the doll in her hands and their eyes met. Lula found a strange sense of powerlessness to […]
The Curse of Little Ollie, Scene 6
Ollie shakes his head watching her. Is she remembering? wait lois?! oh my God I remember now! I used to have a babysitter that I had the biggest crush on! she was like 16 when I was like 9 or something? she was awesome this can’t be the same one right? wait no, no one […]
Loretta The Diaper Witch Scene 12
“Can we do this at home,” Rupert asked. “Honey, no better time than the present,” Loretta said and then added, “in fact, the more time in these things the better.” Rupert nodded reluctantly, put his arms through the straps as you might a jacket sliding the garment around as Loretta handed him a foam insert. […]
The Trying Policy Scene 24
A few hours later it was time to pack up and start heading back. Julia ended up wetting herself again while they were packing up and she noticed her diaper started to feel bulky. About half way back to the car, she watched her dad pull off the trail and start peeing on a tree. […]
So Long to Normality Scene 19
The players came back over, Christopher thumping Mr Goldberg on the back and congratulating him on a well played game. “Great game!” he announced to everyone. “Don’t think we could have asked for a more beautiful afternoon!” Mr Goldberg added. “Yeah and that pig,” Mrs. Goldberg said licking the tips of her fingers. She […]