At mine most of the caning was done by the Prefects, though occasionally the Headmaster caned serious offenders. In both instances on the trousers, bent over, as at your school. With regard to what it was like, I’m told it hurt – a lot! However I only saw a cane once in my school days, […]
Corporal punishment survey 43
You said above: As regards this Forum, I’d suggest that’s probably not so. Indeed, I’d suggest the opposite is true. I think it would certainly be the case that female contributors have reported more cases of being caned with skirt raised than male contributors have reported instances of being caned with trousers down. However I […]
Corporal punishment survey 42
I think in my case the decision was influenced by not wanting to appear a coward. Once the other two boys had decided to be caned there is no way I could choose a detention without losing face amongst my year group once word got around. As I said previously, I had a strange sort […]
Corporal punishment survey 41
Thanks for your response. Yes I’m sure being caned must have been very unpleasant, but it was meant to be! Were you in tears after each of your canings, or did you try to remain stoical so that you didn’t give the headmistress the satisfaction of seeing you crying? I should imagine that, when you […]
Corporal punishment survey 40
If I study references in the media, the reports are generally only written when the incident was questionably outside the law. In England where I live, and indeed went to school, corporal punishment was legally practiced up until 1986. Therefore there would be no reason for the media to cover anything except the unusual. Many […]
Corporal punishment survey 39
I am very grateful to Doctor Dominum for his detailed and considered comments in relation to my earlier postings. He does at least appear to accept that the 16 year old did have the option – should he have chosen to take it – of departing the school without submitting to punishment. I would also […]
Corporal punishment survey 38
Hello Oliver, I remember the Headmaster being very angry when I came out of the toilet, but at the same time he was very calm. He told me very clearly that trying to avoid punishment when you deserved it was something he would not tolerate. I remember I was crying when I stood up after […]
Corporal punishment survey 37
About You: Gender: Female Approximate age when punished: 6 Approximate year of punishment: 1971 Crime committed or alleged: I do not remember About the punishment Administered by Head, or Staff member: By my class teacher Gender of staff member: Female Location punished (Classroom, Office, Hallway etc): Classroom Type of punishment (Cane,Slipper,Paddle etc): Spanking Number of […]
Corporal punishment survey 36
Initially when trying to ascertain where you were in the USA I Googled Frankston, but the first couple of pages of Google is all Frankston, Melbourne Australia, and I guessed I was on the wrong lines there because in that part of the world in 1983 it was straps and canes in the schools, not […]
Corporal punishment survey 35
Although you didn’t respond to my post in this thread on March 15 2015 at 4:07 AM, I note that since then you’ve set yourself up what Network54 refer to as a personal picture, which may mean that happily you are still around reading the Forum. Fine looking animal by the way, and I assume […]