Delia Replies I am really sorry for you Jessica. I wouldn’t have involved the police. I have always sorted problems myself as the courts will never give the judgment I would demand. But that is me not you. You handle it in the best way you can or feel comfortable with.
WARNING! to Sissys, Crossdressers, Adult Babies, & So On7
We are very fortunate in this country to have recently seen some serious legislative changes designed to protect the rights of LGBT people. This lets the whole of society know that whatever their prejudices, each and every person in this country is to be treated as a ‘first-class citizen. I say don’t be afraid to […]
WARNING! to Sissys, Crossdressers, Adult Babies, & So On6
Julia Replies Jessica, I was alarmed and sorry to hear about this horrendous act. A sweeping statement but, I really hoped that this rather “80s” behaviour had vanished by now. It sounds like you have managed to retain the upper hand as far as possible. However, you would do well to pursue things with the […]
WARNING! to Sissys, Crossdressers, Adult Babies, & So On5
Jemma Replies thanks for the kind words. police have been called but it is not been helpful. (no surprise there) no offence to any ladies in blue on here.
WARNING! to Sissys, Crossdressers, Adult Babies, & So On4
Dorothy Replies I agree with Sarah…should have considered going to the police No one has a right to get away with that.! Hope you’re on the mend.
WARNING! to Sissys, Crossdressers, Adult Babies, & So On3
Sarah Replies Hope you are feeling better. However, if you know who it was, and you have received medical treatment, then go to the police. It does not matter whatever about the gender of the people involved, this is a case of common assault. Even if there is insufficient evidence to prosecute, it would […]
WARNING! to Sissys, Crossdressers, Adult Babies, & So On2
Being close to midnight I decided it was best if I started to head for home. Unfortunately, as I walked down the road the blackmailer followed me, and eventually attacked me. I sustained a black eye, and two days later it was confirmed I had a fractured jaw. I consider myself an easy-going person and […]
WARNING! to Sissys, Crossdressers, Adult Babies, & So On1
Jemma Posts Please note, that it is not my intention to scare anyone here. First off, I am totally out about my crossdressing to my friends, and family, who have all seen me dressed. As well as this I am not a full-time dresser, hence I am not always cross-dressing when out with friends. […]
Crossdressing & Comming Out11
He was perfectly fine with it even after I’d answered his questions and comments on sexuality and so on. I’m not totally sure he has completely the right end of the stick But now he knows and I think, if anything, we’re better friends than before. One thing I did do was to take some […]
Crossdressing & Comming Out10
What I did do in the end was arrange to go and see him. This was at a time that I knew he’s been on his own. I took my wife along for moral support. Then I basically just told him the bare facts. This was with the viewpoint that if he asked any questions […]