I’ve been seeing a counselor about this but she seems out of her depth. The counselor is costing me a fortune and not coming up with any viable solutions. The nearest decent counselor from here is in Southampton. However, this was too far to travel on a regular basis. My mood can swing from happy […]
Crossdressing TV, TG, or Not to Be2
Reply I get like that sometimes, I can dress when and how often I like, This is most days. However, there are always those occasions when it would make life awkward For example, when picking up my son from school, for I throw some drab over the top and clean off the makeup. The reason […]
Crossdressing TV, TG, or Not to Be1
Question I need to know what I am. Ive been cross-dressing for years, however, not that seriously. I have always wanted to get more into it and I find these days I am doing so. However, it never seems to be enough and I want more. I am so envious of my wife now yet […]
Crossdressing Over Analysis Causes Paralysis9
Reply So,,,,,,,, did you ever come to a conclusion about why you’re doing whatever it is that you are doing? Somehow I suspect that conclusion would be that you’re not really doing anything particularly. Not doing, just being. Being yourself, being the only person you can be. Sometimes a little self-analysis can be a good thing.
Crossdressing Over Analysis Causes Paralysis8
Reply I totally agree about using a top coat. I’m currently using a Sally Hansen top coat which I originally bought to go with one of their nail varnishes. I’ve used it with other brands of nail varnish though and it’s really good, although I tend to apply another layer of it 2 or 3 […]
Crossdressing Over Analysis Causes Paralysis7
Reply I used to take ages with nail varnish too but now have a reasonable sequence. The day before I go out, I apply it in the afternoon. I let it dry for about 15 minutes then apply a good topcoat. Then in the evening, I shower as usual, which generally gets most of the […]
Crossdressing Over Analysis Causes Paralysis6
Reply It is about living as I am. I think my generation was brought up transphobic, and a little is nesting in here. Reply I was thinking along vaguely the same lines earlier this year about foundation, haven’t used it since, and no one’s ever noticed. My makeup time is now down to about 10 […]
Crossdressing Over Analysis Causes Paralysis5
We can all only be ourselves, our true selves that we perceive ourselves to be, not what anyone else may feel we should be. Whether that is just about the morning ritual of applying foundation or about the way you live your life generally, “you do you”….. only you have the right to decide what that involves […]
Crossdressing Over Analysis Causes Paralysis4
Reply When you ask “why am I doing this?” What exactly do you mean by ‘this’? The foundation? Well, do you feel it makes you look the way you wish to? Does that look make you feel happy, contented, at ease with yourself? If so, then you’ve kind of answered your own question. Or do […]
Crossdressing Over Analysis Causes Paralysis3
Reply I thought thinking might be best kept for the serious forum …. but then again, having joined a few conversations there recently, may be not. Anyway, overthinking a thing rarely improves the quality or reliability of the thought. Another thing I learned too late in life is that thoughts affect your feelings. It’s possible […]