Sarahs Mother, Scene 4

Sarahs Mother, Scene 4

Once again, I felt inhibited from visiting Sylvia’s house after seeing her punished, but this time the days passed without Sylvia appearing at my door. I began to have a horrible suspicion that now our friendship—if so it could be called—was really over. My mother, tired of me hanging around the house, urged me to […]

Sarahs Mother, Scene 1

Sarahs Mother, Scene 1

“I’m sorry, Peter, Sarah can’t come out today. She has been very naughty and I have sent her to her bedroom.” “Oh,” I said, disappointed. There were very few other kids around my age in scattered community, and no boys, and so although Sarah was a rather bossy and sometimes ill-natured girl, we had become […]

Maternal Matrimony

 “DREAMS AND AWAKENINGS” [“Maternal Matrimony” #5] by the Crimson Kid (All rights reserved. This story’s setting is several hours following “MM” #4, still at the McMichael residence in Yamamoto on the planet Vladivost, mid-28th century.) At some level of his awareness, Carlton knew that he dreaming–yet the dream, which was a re-enactment of a critical […]

Nanny Mitchels Slipper

If I had been naughty in my formative years, I would usually be sent to fetch Nanny Mitchel’s slipper from her shoe cupboard (unless she happened to be wearing it at the time, of course). Mostly, she would be sat in her favorite chair and I would be ordered to lie over her knee so […]

Matts Sister

I had been dating my boyfriend Matt for over a year. We didn’t talk much about the discipline in our homes, but I had some idea of how Matt’s parents handled disobedience. Although Matt rarely mentioned the subject, I knew his father had taken a belt to him on a few occasions when he was […]