The School Slipper

Maureen Remarks I was a girl at school in England near Wembley in the mid-sixties. I witnessed or was audibly aware of several slipperings administered by my male PE teacher. I personally once received an ‘official’ six of the best with the slipper on my bottom. This was administered with me bending over touching my […]

Absent without leave

When I was a junior at high school in East Texas in the 1980s, I was paddled for leaving the campus without permission. During lunch break, I decided to get into my car and ride to the local gas station. There I filled up my tank and picked up a couple of soft drinks. Upon […]


I read recently that someone doubted the truth of stories of corporal punishment experienced by girls at school beyond primary school, suggesting that these were actually the fertile imagination of guys. To be fair, it is a fact that a significant proportion of anecdotes involving spanking are written by men who probably get a kick […]

punishment out side of school.

sometime during the early 70’s.i witnessed a caning of four boys,outside dulwich swimming baths.i had just come out from my swim when the boys went to unchain thier bikes,which were in the rack near by.a female school teacher appeared carrying a cane.i stopped to watch the situation.the teacher told the boys off for having their […]

CP of schoolgirls

Posters who continually try to equate the punishment of schoolgirls for breach of school rules with some form of ‘Sexual gratification’ [Either for the recipient or the administrator] obviously have little or no knowledge of the reality of School CP during the Fifties and sixties when I attended school. Firstly NOBODY [Boy or girl] had […]

school C.P. and urban myths

I remember hearing a tale from a friend as a boy, about how his public boy’s schools headmaster and the next door public girls school Headmistress had had some kind of rivalry and decided to bring it to an end by having a sports competition. The boys Headmaster had been so confident of victory that […]

School Experiences

Because of the interest shown here in my posts to the Yahoo group, I thought I would post the first one here for you all to read. I don’t want to give the impression that this was a school out of Dickens’s time, with sadistic teachers flogging the girls. Nothing could be further from the […]