The so-called ‘vitamins’ that I had been taking every day turned out to be female hormones. The first inkling I had of the truth was when I noticed lumps under my nipples. I confronted my aunt who explained that she merely wanted to keep my masculine drives under control and that the slight changes to […]
A Reluctant Sissy Part 4
Tracy came down the stairs, looking beautiful, and we complimented each other. I was still admiring her when the doorbell rang. “Here’s our dates,” she announced with a twinkle in her eye. “Dates!” I screeched, “I can’t go out with a boy!” But Tracy had already let the two in and my aunt was gently […]
A Reluctant Sissy Part 3
At last the exercise was over and I was given another teenage romance novel to study until bedtime. I had to write down each outfit mentioned and guess about what underthings would be appropriate. Finally, under Tracy’s direction, I put my hair up in rollers, creamed off my makeup, took my ‘vitamins’ and applied the […]
A Reluctant Sissy Part 2
After eating, I started to learn how to do ‘girl’ chores. My aunt slipped an apron over my head and tied an enormous bow in the back. I was handed a pair of rubber gloves and told to do the breakfast dishes. I had an easy enough time of it but I kept having to […]
A Reluctant Sissy Part 1
My mother divorced my father because he beat her. He was rich, though, and got custody of me. My mother refused to turn me over, contending he beat me too. This simply wasn’t true, However, I guess Mom didn’t want to give him any satisfaction I felt too sorry for her to tell anyone the […]