Sissy Academy Scene 28

Michael was one of about ten boys from his old primary school who ended up at Ashford, as opposed to about 50 girls. It wasn’t a big school, but it wasn’t in a big town. However, the male-female split became increasingly disproportionate since the new uniform regulations were brought in; another reason why Ashford had […]

Dressed Under Duress Scene 15

Peter and Paul gulped in unison. Melanie flicked through the archive of photographs on her smart-phone and claimed that the pictures of them not kissing or cuddling or holding hands were far more powerful. “This one for example…” she said, showing them a photograph taken four months previously when they were dressed up as schoolgirls. “Anyone might […]

The Milk Run Scene 16

Tarna couldn’t get the cops to play along with a gag, Rachel reasoned, this was a weird coincidence. Having to look after an adult baby cousin did explain why she always seemed to want to feminize and baby him. God, she will keep me like this forever! Rachel involuntarily peed her diaper as she heard […]