On this particular day, I was in the mall with my mommy and I has been put in diapers to avoid any accidents. Whilst out I told my mom that I needed to go to the bathroom, however, we could not find one in time and I ended up pooping myself. Having realized what I […]
Sissy Perks THIS ONE
It was another horrible day. He had to be a girl again. It had started as only one Friday, then moved to Tuesday and Friday. The fad slowly progressed until it was now five days a week. However, every time he abided by the dress code his pay was doubled for that day. Given that […]
Sissy Ballet
“Simon, Where are you?” Shouted Jenny as she waltzed down the long corridor which housed some of the Changing rooms for most of the PAC. The PAC was the Performing Arts Center. The home to the arts at the school. Mainly dance and drama. Their school wasn’t big on the music of any sought. Her […]
Revenge of Sis
Kevin Barrett was quite short for his age and weighed not an ounce over 60 pounds. He had “dirty blonde” hair and blue eyes and light skin. He was a pretty quiet kid and he didn’t talk much. But he was very good at eavesdropping. One day during the summer he overheard his older sister, […]
Still a Sissy in Diapers
I had been potty trained, however, I still had accidents once in a while, like a lot of youngsters had, and wore a pull-up to bed every night. I was just starting pre-school and was doing really well, with no accidents or anything. About a month and a half into starting school, I […]
A Sissy’s Best Friend
Stephanie sat in the nursery talking to the best friends she’s ever known inher life. Both Stephanie and her friend talked of secret desires, and fantasies filled with, frilly dresses, panties, and diapers. Playing with friends in a playpen, and Living a life few are lucky enough to see. But there was […]
The Reluctant Ballerina
Jonathan was not sure what he was going to be for Halloween but he had hoped he might be a cowboy or maybe even a monster… his mother had other ideas. She was going through her daughter’s old ballet costumes and thought it might be cute for Jonathan to be a ballerina for Halloween. The […]
A cacophony of lace
This is a slightly serious story that will build up slowly. I am taking my time with it and would love constructive criticism!) We are all able to choose our destiny, to carve our own path through a hostile and aggressive world. It’s all well and good. It’s the rare person who doesn’t dream the […]
I Want To Be A Lil Girl
This is the girl I want to look like. It is Cindy Brady of “The Brady Bunch”. Here is my fantasy: The first half is true. The second part is what I would wish would have happened. I am a boy of 12 years old. I sneak into my younger sisters room when I think […]
It had been a mild warn day. five girls played in Raven Wood Park of Raven Dale. A local old village area, the sort that not many people know about. The girls were playing on the swings, on the slides and on the roundabout. A gang of ten lads. all with back packs on their […]