Spanking Games8

The first time I got spanked in our school games was, looking back, a very tame affair. I went over Grahams knee for talking in class. I remember the smacks over my dress and knickers being so soft as to be hardly felt. In fact the strongest memory is thinking how funny it felt to […]

Spanking Games7

We used to play a game called School in a Tent. Aloud we read books written by spanking-obsessed Enid Blyton. Those who read badly were put in detention. This meant that they had to stay in the tent while the others went indoors and had tea. Corporal punishment was inflicted upon those who broke school […]

Spanking Games6

It seems clear therefore that Debbie and the oldest boy in her group were very unusual children: she to endure serious pain willingly at such a tender age and he to risk the almost certain death that would have ensued had she told her parents about her being hurt ‘a lot’ by an older boy […]

Spanking Games5

  Mothers and Fathers was very popular. The youngest member of the group would always have to play the baby and would frequently be spanked. I remember a sophisticated version where I played the mother and spanked the child for being naughty and then was spanked myself by the father because he said it was […]

Spanking Games4

  We used to play Schools. I was always the teacher and would give the class very difficult questions like multiply 487012 by 568 and who wrote Beethoven’s Seventh Symphony? When they got the answers wrong, I gave them a choice of punishment. Most kiddies opted for six from my hand across their knickers. I […]

Spanking Games3

What tents are to you, tree houses are to me. I got my first bottom spanking from the oldest boy in our group on a hot August Afternoon. It hurt a lot, but I enjoyed it, and has remained one of the hottest of my memories for almost 30 years       It wasn’t […]