Reply I have just been reading the thread on eyebrow wax. It is in my experience very good for far distant ultra camp drag. However, it is pretty awful to use and does not really look very effective close-up. It’s also really hard to get it right, and makeup put on top can smudge. This […]
Crossdressing Eyebrow Wax6
Reply Am I right in thinking that you should never let a barber shave your eyebrows as that makes them bush up. But you should pluck them (ouch it hurts!!!). Also, girly eyebrows should be sort of arc-shaped, I’ve been told this as my eyebrows are a bit rectangular/angular (not quite Mr. Spock). I’ve been […]
Crossdressing Eyebrow Wax5
Reply Shaped eyebrows are actually quite fashionable for men too at the moment. Look around. You see a lot of it and there are quite a few barbers that offer that service now!
Crossdressing Eyebrow Wax4
Reply The trick is to pluck a bit at a time. If you suddenly go from Dennis Healey to Kate Winslett overnight your colleagues might notice. If you remove a bit each week they probably won’t If they are men they definitely won’t If they are women they might, but then they also might find […]
Crossdressing Eyebrow Wax3
Reply Thanks so much for your reply fanny. That’s absolutely brilliant I’ll be buying some of the wax (even though I’ll need a lot of practice by the sound of it ) I want to be as convincing as possible, but difficult to pluck too much at the moment. My very understanding wife knows I […]
Crossdressing Eyebrow Wax2
Reply Yes, you can get it from most theatrical makeup shops, and even fancy dress shops. It is made by kryolin and comes in a stick. It is actually plastic wax You can get derma wax too. This is easier to use in a circular tub. You need a spatula to spread it on, or […]