Corporal punishment survey
Hi, I don’t know if this forum can help, but I’m trying to put together some realistic data regarding the use of corporal punishment in schools.
Reading this and other internet sources of information it is clearly very hard to distinguish between genuine accounts of CP, peoples fantasies, and role play.
School punishment books are difficult to find, or access. When they are available they only show the information that the establishments wished to disclose. They also only reflect official punishments, generally administered by the Head, consequentially they are not very representative of the general use of CP within schools.
If I study references in the media, the reports are generally only written when the incident was questionably outside the law. In England where I live, and indeed went to school, corporal punishment was legally practiced up until 1986. Therefore there would be no reason for the media to cover anything except the unusual.
Many of us however have witnessed (often first hand) the use of corporal punishment at school. If you have (as indeed have I) I’d be very grateful if you’d reply to this post giving as much accurate information as you feel comfortable with. However to keep this thread out of the realm of fantasy, I’d ask that you only post facts, and leave the creative writing and long discussions to other forums.
The information I’d love you to provide is the following:
About You:
Approximate age when punished:
Approximate year of punishment:
Crime committed or alleged:
About the punishment
Administered by Head, or Staff member:
Gender of staff member:
Location punished (Classroom, Office, Hallway etc):
Type of punishment (Cane,Slipper,Paddle etc):
Number of strokes:
Applied to (Hand, Bottom, Legs etc):
Position adopted (Standing, Bending over Chair, Desk etc):
State of dress (Over Trousers/Skirt, panties, bare etc):
Privacy (In private, In front of Class, With another teacher etc):
About the school
Name of School:
Were you ever punished again for the same offence?:
Do you consider the punishment effective?:
Any other relevant info:
Many thanks for your participation. I will reply to this post myself with the details of the CP I received.
Note: I see no reason why schools should not be named as they were operating completely within the law.
… lightening fast response if I make a mistake in a post!
I refrain from comment
Apr 26, 2011#252
Corporal punishment survey
Hi, I don’t know if this forum can help, but I’m trying to put together some realistic data regarding the use of corporal punishment in schools.
Reading this and other internet sources of information it is clearly very hard to distinguish between genuine accounts of CP, peoples fantasies, and role play.
School punishment books are difficult to find, or access. When they are available they only show the information that the establishments wished to disclose. They also only reflect official punishments, generally administered by the Head, consequentially they are not very representative of the general use of CP within schools.
If I study references in the media, the reports are generally only written when the incident was questionably outside the law. In England where I live, and indeed went to school, corporal punishment was legally practiced up until 1986. Therefore there would be no reason for the media to cover anything except the unusual.
Many of us however have witnessed (often first hand) the use of corporal punishment at school. If you have (as indeed have I) I’d be very grateful if you’d reply to this post giving as much accurate information as you feel comfortable with. However to keep this thread out of the realm of fantasy, I’d ask that you only post facts, and leave the creative writing and long discussions to other forums.
The information I’d love you to provide is the following:
About You:
Approximate age when punished:
Approximate year of punishment:
Crime committed or alleged:
About the punishment
Administered by Head, or Staff member:
Gender of staff member:
Location punished (Classroom, Office, Hallway etc):
Type of punishment (Cane,Slipper,Paddle etc):
Number of strokes:
Applied to (Hand, Bottom, Legs etc):
Position adopted (Standing, Bending over Chair, Desk etc):
State of dress (Over Trousers/Skirt, panties, bare etc):
Privacy (In private, In front of Class, With another teacher etc):
About the school
Name of School:
Were you ever punished again for the same offence?:
Do you consider the punishment effective?:
Any other relevant info:
Many thanks for your participation. I will reply to this post myself with the details of the CP I received.
Note: I see no reason why schools should not be named as they were operating completely within the law.
Hi hcj
Some things just stick in the mind and it’s quite likely that, whilst the substance of the post is accurate, some of the minor details aren’t true. I’m not saying posters are deliberately making things up, simply that the mind is synthesizing details to link the events. Yesterday, in this post I recounted two incidents from when I was in infants’ school. Of the first, I said I tweaked a boy’s ear in response to his tweaking mine. That detail is unimportant and, being totally honest, not necessarily entirely true. I remember he was sitting to my left. I remember he did something involving touching me on or near my left ear. I remember doing something similar back to him. The truth is, I can’t remember exactly what it was we did but “tweaking each others’ ears” is close enough and might even be true. The precise nature of my offence is irrelevant but my description provided a lead-in to my subsequent punishment.
What I did find interesting, when I thought about it, was that I clearly remember it was the outside of my right leg that the teacher smacked. As she was facing me she must have used her left hand to do it. When I thought about the second incident, I found I couldn’t remember which leg was smacked then. Something tells me it was my left leg but that’s only a vague feeling. I can’t remember the boy’s name nor which of us was smacked first. Neither of those are things that can be logically deduced. In the matter of which leg, however, it seems more likely that a right handed teacher would have smacked my left leg. Could it be that my mind is simply filling in the blanks and the vague feeling is its indicator of uncertainty?
I don’t know why but I tend to remember more about my punishments than the precise events that led to them. With the exception of the wine incident (here) I can’t really say I regret doing any of the things I did – I only regret being caught.
Apr 26, 2011#253
Corporal punishment survey
Hi, I don’t know if this forum can help, but I’m trying to put together some realistic data regarding the use of corporal punishment in schools.
Reading this and other internet sources of information it is clearly very hard to distinguish between genuine accounts of CP, peoples fantasies, and role play.
School punishment books are difficult to find, or access. When they are available they only show the information that the establishments wished to disclose. They also only reflect official punishments, generally administered by the Head, consequentially they are not very representative of the general use of CP within schools.
If I study references in the media, the reports are generally only written when the incident was questionably outside the law. In England where I live, and indeed went to school, corporal punishment was legally practiced up until 1986. Therefore there would be no reason for the media to cover anything except the unusual.
Many of us however have witnessed (often first hand) the use of corporal punishment at school. If you have (as indeed have I) I’d be very grateful if you’d reply to this post giving as much accurate information as you feel comfortable with. However to keep this thread out of the realm of fantasy, I’d ask that you only post facts, and leave the creative writing and long discussions to other forums.
The information I’d love you to provide is the following:
About You:
Approximate age when punished:
Approximate year of punishment:
Crime committed or alleged:
About the punishment
Administered by Head, or Staff member:
Gender of staff member:
Location punished (Classroom, Office, Hallway etc):
Type of punishment (Cane,Slipper,Paddle etc):
Number of strokes:
Applied to (Hand, Bottom, Legs etc):
Position adopted (Standing, Bending over Chair, Desk etc):
State of dress (Over Trousers/Skirt, panties, bare etc):
Privacy (In private, In front of Class, With another teacher etc):
About the school
Name of School:
Were you ever punished again for the same offence?:
Do you consider the punishment effective?:
Any other relevant info:
Many thanks for your participation. I will reply to this post myself with the details of the CP I received.
Note: I see no reason why schools should not be named as they were operating completely within the law.
A recollection of a similar nature.
I feel in my bones that the junior school teacher I’ve mentioned here on several occasions was left-handed. I certainly have no direct recollection of which hand she held her slipper; but I have a distinct image in my mind of the slipper landing on a pair of navy-blue knickers from right to left (from an onlooker’s point of view).
Apr 26, 2011#254
Corporal punishment survey
Hi, I don’t know if this forum can help, but I’m trying to put together some realistic data regarding the use of corporal punishment in schools.
Reading this and other internet sources of information it is clearly very hard to distinguish between genuine accounts of CP, peoples fantasies, and role play.
School punishment books are difficult to find, or access. When they are available they only show the information that the establishments wished to disclose. They also only reflect official punishments, generally administered by the Head, consequentially they are not very representative of the general use of CP within schools.
If I study references in the media, the reports are generally only written when the incident was questionably outside the law. In England where I live, and indeed went to school, corporal punishment was legally practiced up until 1986. Therefore there would be no reason for the media to cover anything except the unusual.
Many of us however have witnessed (often first hand) the use of corporal punishment at school. If you have (as indeed have I) I’d be very grateful if you’d reply to this post giving as much accurate information as you feel comfortable with. However to keep this thread out of the realm of fantasy, I’d ask that you only post facts, and leave the creative writing and long discussions to other forums.
The information I’d love you to provide is the following:
About You:
Approximate age when punished:
Approximate year of punishment:
Crime committed or alleged:
About the punishment
Administered by Head, or Staff member:
Gender of staff member:
Location punished (Classroom, Office, Hallway etc):
Type of punishment (Cane,Slipper,Paddle etc):
Number of strokes:
Applied to (Hand, Bottom, Legs etc):
Position adopted (Standing, Bending over Chair, Desk etc):
State of dress (Over Trousers/Skirt, panties, bare etc):
Privacy (In private, In front of Class, With another teacher etc):
About the school
Name of School:
Were you ever punished again for the same offence?:
Do you consider the punishment effective?:
Any other relevant info:
Many thanks for your participation. I will reply to this post myself with the details of the CP I received.
Note: I see no reason why schools should not be named as they were operating completely within the law.
HCJ and Jenny raise interesting points.
Of course on one level one can dismiss the whole issue through the old ‘murder’ demonstration. If you get 100 students in a lecture theatre and then two actors to enter and one shoots the other, the resulting statements from the audience will be confused, confusing , and in some cases downright contradictory.
But closer analysis shows that this is not really the point. To make sense of a individuals recollection , it is necessary to situate the individual into the ‘framework’ of the event . How they got there, why they were there, their expectations based on past experience, all these predispose one to ‘prioritize’ your memories , to note specific interpretations of actions , and your own ascription of meaning to phrases and words.
I am a camera , yes that’s true: but life prescribes the nature of the lens !
In the case of punishment we are describing a social ritual with, at least notionally , a given raison d’etre. To stop the miscreant re-offending . Of course there may be issues of rehabilitation and the like, and the notion of deterrence, but in short the aim of the action surely is mainly to ensure what our American friends, effectively describe as an ‘attitude adjustment’.
Such a change is not a hard objective ‘fact’ . It can’t be demonstrated , like a modification to a malfunctioning engine, by observation of its construction and operation. No it is a lot less concrete than that . Thus I would argue the important issue is how an individual internalizes the experience. In this we have a prime example of such a reaction in Another lurker’s tale of how a relatively mild dose of punishment , determined his mind to ensure he received no more in his school life,With one small slip, he achieved that , in those days, quite remarkable goal. Whether his description of what happened is 100% factual and accurate , is, of course, considerably less important that the fact that this description lets us share and understand how his thinking developed.
The same with Jenny’s point. For any of us what sticks in our memories whether in the words of the English judicial system is ‘the truth , the whole truth , and nothing but the truth’, is of less import than that the account describes the imperatives from that experience which formed the basis of one’s future actions.
As Ive said I came from a no spank family , so my incidents of corporal punishment were virtually all in the school system , and as I was bright and normally quite well behaved,they were relatively rare. Therefore I may remember more than the kid who was caned every week .However , of those incidents two stick out in my mind, one the strapping by the primary school head , and my first caning. The first of these I had nightmares after for weeks . I replayed it over and over in my mind. Are the details embellished ? Probably . Do the details I remember and the way I recount them have an effect on how I see the justice or otherwise of the incident , indubitably .
The second incident sticks in my mind for the reverse reason. I was terrified, absolutely terrified of the cane . Why? Well as I’ve said many times because I wasn’t subject to it in my ‘special ‘ situation in the school, it morphed into the spectre of a nuclear deterrent. Moreover there were staff who , for their own agendas , wanted to promote that view, and the ‘hard’ lads in the lower streams who got it , wanted to glorify in their probably ‘sham’ toughness.
So the cane developed a mythology of its own . Never used in public , you couldn’t judge. Moreover the mythology included the old chestnut ‘take it like a man ‘ – only a real sissy would ever make a noise , let alone cry during a caning. Quite untrue of course. I often reflect on what might have happened , given my predisposition to hyperactivity , if I had been made to go through the ‘usual’ routine of waiting outside the office, hearing other boys responses to the cane ( which , I am assured , was not silence) , and what demons would have invaded my mind in those few never ending minutes of waiting ….I can’t say for certain , but I think I probably would , by my turn have gone to pieces, not through cowardice, but through the untrammeled imagination of a rather scared and highly emotive boy.
Now again what I remember are what was the exceptions to the pattern I expected. Not being humiliated, being treated firmly but kindly , even re assured that I could take it ..and then the actual caning something of an anticlimax- but then anything less than mortal agony would have been . My vision of Dante’s inferno wasn’t quite fulfilled. Rather , I remember feeling quite silly and somewhat anxious about whether this disapproval was of me or simply my actions. Luckily I was left in no doubt on that one .
Now from those outlines it would be possible for a good psycho analyst to almost rewrite my experience noting the nodal points of import for me .
Should I however ask Jackie to write her memories doubtless they would be different as she experienced it all in a different context, not least as oner in a huge number of punishments she doled out in her life, so probably nowhere near a exceptional and significant as it was to me . Though I know she would be aware of the profound significance the experience had on me .I suspect she might also comment on the inclination ,because of her knowing me, to ‘go soft’ on the caning, yet the vital school imperative, paradoxically for my sake , not to do so , so as to scotch any notion of favoritism
Have you ever wondered why so many even seemingly well founded ( from the victims point of view) rape cases , both male and female go unpunished. It all comes down to perception and the ability of a jury to discern the wood from the trees. Yes there are often issues of sexism , deception and all the baggage of paid lawyers, and uncaring police . Yet in the end the problem is there are normally only two people present , with partial memories, and different emphases. is that an easy basis for ‘without reasonable doubt ‘ ?
This is largely why I believe the social scientist is primarily a raconteur ,a merry troubadour , not a discoverer of truths, more an assembler of bricolage from the seashore . We make patterns that make sense , but we dont have the up on anyone to say these are a singular truth . Partial explanations are , at best, what we offer
Apr 26, 2011#255
Corporal punishment survey
Hi, I don’t know if this forum can help, but I’m trying to put together some realistic data regarding the use of corporal punishment in schools.
Reading this and other internet sources of information it is clearly very hard to distinguish between genuine accounts of CP, peoples fantasies, and role play.
School punishment books are difficult to find, or access. When they are available they only show the information that the establishments wished to disclose. They also only reflect official punishments, generally administered by the Head, consequentially they are not very representative of the general use of CP within schools.
If I study references in the media, the reports are generally only written when the incident was questionably outside the law. In England where I live, and indeed went to school, corporal punishment was legally practiced up until 1986. Therefore there would be no reason for the media to cover anything except the unusual.
Many of us however have witnessed (often first hand) the use of corporal punishment at school. If you have (as indeed have I) I’d be very grateful if you’d reply to this post giving as much accurate information as you feel comfortable with. However to keep this thread out of the realm of fantasy, I’d ask that you only post facts, and leave the creative writing and long discussions to other forums.
The information I’d love you to provide is the following:
About You:
Approximate age when punished:
Approximate year of punishment:
Crime committed or alleged:
About the punishment
Administered by Head, or Staff member:
Gender of staff member:
Location punished (Classroom, Office, Hallway etc):
Type of punishment (Cane,Slipper,Paddle etc):
Number of strokes:
Applied to (Hand, Bottom, Legs etc):
Position adopted (Standing, Bending over Chair, Desk etc):
State of dress (Over Trousers/Skirt, panties, bare etc):
Privacy (In private, In front of Class, With another teacher etc):
About the school
Name of School:
Were you ever punished again for the same offence?:
Do you consider the punishment effective?:
Any other relevant info:
Many thanks for your participation. I will reply to this post myself with the details of the CP I received.
Note: I see no reason why schools should not be named as they were operating completely within the law.
If we fellow-Forumites had been at school with Alan & questioned him on the slippering of the girl, we(or the fetishists like me!!) would have chorused “What’s THAT got to do with the price of fish?” when he mentioned the apparent left-handed slipperer.
But it’s that seemingly irrelevant detail that gives the game away-Alan was there & it happened.
That’s one reason why rape cases so often founder-both participants are too often drunk or drugged or both to remember anything much about what happened, so how the hell can you convict?
BTW, the two times I’ve sat on juries, guess what the case was-yeh, rape. Without wishing to go into unwanted detail, both cases lacked medical or forensic back-up evidence, and the only perjorative comment I heard in either jury room(She was bloody asking for it) came from another younger woman on the jury.
Apr 27, 2011#256
Corporal punishment survey
Hi, I don’t know if this forum can help, but I’m trying to put together some realistic data regarding the use of corporal punishment in schools.
Reading this and other internet sources of information it is clearly very hard to distinguish between genuine accounts of CP, peoples fantasies, and role play.
School punishment books are difficult to find, or access. When they are available they only show the information that the establishments wished to disclose. They also only reflect official punishments, generally administered by the Head, consequentially they are not very representative of the general use of CP within schools.
If I study references in the media, the reports are generally only written when the incident was questionably outside the law. In England where I live, and indeed went to school, corporal punishment was legally practiced up until 1986. Therefore there would be no reason for the media to cover anything except the unusual.
Many of us however have witnessed (often first hand) the use of corporal punishment at school. If you have (as indeed have I) I’d be very grateful if you’d reply to this post giving as much accurate information as you feel comfortable with. However to keep this thread out of the realm of fantasy, I’d ask that you only post facts, and leave the creative writing and long discussions to other forums.
The information I’d love you to provide is the following:
About You:
Approximate age when punished:
Approximate year of punishment:
Crime committed or alleged:
About the punishment
Administered by Head, or Staff member:
Gender of staff member:
Location punished (Classroom, Office, Hallway etc):
Type of punishment (Cane,Slipper,Paddle etc):
Number of strokes:
Applied to (Hand, Bottom, Legs etc):
Position adopted (Standing, Bending over Chair, Desk etc):
State of dress (Over Trousers/Skirt, panties, bare etc):
Privacy (In private, In front of Class, With another teacher etc):
About the school
Name of School:
Were you ever punished again for the same offence?:
Do you consider the punishment effective?:
Any other relevant info:
Many thanks for your participation. I will reply to this post myself with the details of the CP I received.
Note: I see no reason why schools should not be named as they were operating completely within the law.
I also remember one occasion when a boy got two whacks with the slipper when the norm would have been one. The thing was, the first whack produced a great cloud of dust from the boy’s short corduroy trousers, resulting in much tittering and joke coughing from the class. So I think the teacher decided on a second whack “in a spirit of scientific enquiry”, to see whether all the dust had been displaced. (It hadn’t!)
Apr 27, 2011#257
Corporal punishment survey
Hi, I don’t know if this forum can help, but I’m trying to put together some realistic data regarding the use of corporal punishment in schools.
Reading this and other internet sources of information it is clearly very hard to distinguish between genuine accounts of CP, peoples fantasies, and role play.
School punishment books are difficult to find, or access. When they are available they only show the information that the establishments wished to disclose. They also only reflect official punishments, generally administered by the Head, consequentially they are not very representative of the general use of CP within schools.
If I study references in the media, the reports are generally only written when the incident was questionably outside the law. In England where I live, and indeed went to school, corporal punishment was legally practiced up until 1986. Therefore there would be no reason for the media to cover anything except the unusual.
Many of us however have witnessed (often first hand) the use of corporal punishment at school. If you have (as indeed have I) I’d be very grateful if you’d reply to this post giving as much accurate information as you feel comfortable with. However to keep this thread out of the realm of fantasy, I’d ask that you only post facts, and leave the creative writing and long discussions to other forums.
The information I’d love you to provide is the following:
About You:
Approximate age when punished:
Approximate year of punishment:
Crime committed or alleged:
About the punishment
Administered by Head, or Staff member:
Gender of staff member:
Location punished (Classroom, Office, Hallway etc):
Type of punishment (Cane,Slipper,Paddle etc):
Number of strokes:
Applied to (Hand, Bottom, Legs etc):
Position adopted (Standing, Bending over Chair, Desk etc):
State of dress (Over Trousers/Skirt, panties, bare etc):
Privacy (In private, In front of Class, With another teacher etc):
About the school
Name of School:
Were you ever punished again for the same offence?:
Do you consider the punishment effective?:
Any other relevant info:
Many thanks for your participation. I will reply to this post myself with the details of the CP I received.
Note: I see no reason why schools should not be named as they were operating completely within the law.
My God-I’m sure that thesis was used somewhere in the Beano or Dandy in my childhood, too.
I suspect it was Teacher in the Bash Street Kids, when Smiffy was convinced something fell on a man’s head because of gravy & not gravity.
And of course, a few captions later, Winston, the janitor’s cat, trips up Olive, the dinner-lady. The resulting flying bowl of gravy lands on the head of the janitor, who is up a ladder painting.
Naturally, he drops the tin of paint on Teacher’s head, confounding Newtonian physics quicker than Einstein & co managed!
Jun 18, 2011#258
Corporal punishment survey
Hi, I don’t know if this forum can help, but I’m trying to put together some realistic data regarding the use of corporal punishment in schools.
Reading this and other internet sources of information it is clearly very hard to distinguish between genuine accounts of CP, peoples fantasies, and role play.
School punishment books are difficult to find, or access. When they are available they only show the information that the establishments wished to disclose. They also only reflect official punishments, generally administered by the Head, consequentially they are not very representative of the general use of CP within schools.
If I study references in the media, the reports are generally only written when the incident was questionably outside the law. In England where I live, and indeed went to school, corporal punishment was legally practiced up until 1986. Therefore there would be no reason for the media to cover anything except the unusual.
Many of us however have witnessed (often first hand) the use of corporal punishment at school. If you have (as indeed have I) I’d be very grateful if you’d reply to this post giving as much accurate information as you feel comfortable with. However to keep this thread out of the realm of fantasy, I’d ask that you only post facts, and leave the creative writing and long discussions to other forums.
The information I’d love you to provide is the following:
About You:
Approximate age when punished:
Approximate year of punishment:
Crime committed or alleged:
About the punishment
Administered by Head, or Staff member:
Gender of staff member:
Location punished (Classroom, Office, Hallway etc):
Type of punishment (Cane,Slipper,Paddle etc):
Number of strokes:
Applied to (Hand, Bottom, Legs etc):
Position adopted (Standing, Bending over Chair, Desk etc):
State of dress (Over Trousers/Skirt, panties, bare etc):
Privacy (In private, In front of Class, With another teacher etc):
About the school
Name of School:
Were you ever punished again for the same offence?:
Do you consider the punishment effective?:
Any other relevant info:
Many thanks for your participation. I will reply to this post myself with the details of the CP I received.
Note: I see no reason why schools should not be named as they were operating completely within the law.
Gender: MALE
Approximate age when punished: 5YRS
Approximate year of punishment: 1968
Crime committed or alleged: RUINING A GIRL’S PAINTING IN AN ART LESSON
About the punishment
Administered by Head, or Staff member: HEADMISTRESS MISS WORSWICK
Gender of staff member: FEMALE
Location punished (Classroom, Office, Hallway etc): OFFICE
Type of punishment (Cane,Slipper,Paddle etc): STRAP
Number of strokes: 4
Applied to (Hand, Bottom, Legs etc): 2 ACROSS EACH LEG
Position adopted (Standing, Bending over Chair, Desk etc): STANDING FACING THE WALL
State of dress (Over Trousers/Skirt, panties, bare etc): GREY SHORT TROUSERS
Privacy (In private, In front of Class, With another teacher etc): IN PRIVATE
About the school
Name of School: H.M.INFANT SCHOOL
Country: UK
Were you ever punished again for the same offence?: NO
Do you consider the punishment effective?: YES
Any other relevant info:
Jun 23, 2011#259
Corporal punishment survey
Hi, I don’t know if this forum can help, but I’m trying to put together some realistic data regarding the use of corporal punishment in schools.
Reading this and other internet sources of information it is clearly very hard to distinguish between genuine accounts of CP, peoples fantasies, and role play.
School punishment books are difficult to find, or access. When they are available they only show the information that the establishments wished to disclose. They also only reflect official punishments, generally administered by the Head, consequentially they are not very representative of the general use of CP within schools.
If I study references in the media, the reports are generally only written when the incident was questionably outside the law. In England where I live, and indeed went to school, corporal punishment was legally practiced up until 1986. Therefore there would be no reason for the media to cover anything except the unusual.
Many of us however have witnessed (often first hand) the use of corporal punishment at school. If you have (as indeed have I) I’d be very grateful if you’d reply to this post giving as much accurate information as you feel comfortable with. However to keep this thread out of the realm of fantasy, I’d ask that you only post facts, and leave the creative writing and long discussions to other forums.
The information I’d love you to provide is the following:
About You:
Approximate age when punished:
Approximate year of punishment:
Crime committed or alleged:
About the punishment
Administered by Head, or Staff member:
Gender of staff member:
Location punished (Classroom, Office, Hallway etc):
Type of punishment (Cane,Slipper,Paddle etc):
Number of strokes:
Applied to (Hand, Bottom, Legs etc):
Position adopted (Standing, Bending over Chair, Desk etc):
State of dress (Over Trousers/Skirt, panties, bare etc):
Privacy (In private, In front of Class, With another teacher etc):
About the school
Name of School:
Were you ever punished again for the same offence?:
Do you consider the punishment effective?:
Any other relevant info:
Many thanks for your participation. I will reply to this post myself with the details of the CP I received.
Note: I see no reason why schools should not be named as they were operating completely within the law.
Hallo ROBIN, hope this helps, about one of the times i was punished at school.
AGE 14
Jul 04, 2011#260
Corporal punishment survey
Hi, I don’t know if this forum can help, but I’m trying to put together some realistic data regarding the use of corporal punishment in schools.
Reading this and other internet sources of information it is clearly very hard to distinguish between genuine accounts of CP, peoples fantasies, and role play.
School punishment books are difficult to find, or access. When they are available they only show the information that the establishments wished to disclose. They also only reflect official punishments, generally administered by the Head, consequentially they are not very representative of the general use of CP within schools.
If I study references in the media, the reports are generally only written when the incident was questionably outside the law. In England where I live, and indeed went to school, corporal punishment was legally practiced up until 1986. Therefore there would be no reason for the media to cover anything except the unusual.
Many of us however have witnessed (often first hand) the use of corporal punishment at school. If you have (as indeed have I) I’d be very grateful if you’d reply to this post giving as much accurate information as you feel comfortable with. However to keep this thread out of the realm of fantasy, I’d ask that you only post facts, and leave the creative writing and long discussions to other forums.
The information I’d love you to provide is the following:
About You:
Approximate age when punished:
Approximate year of punishment:
Crime committed or alleged:
About the punishment
Administered by Head, or Staff member:
Gender of staff member:
Location punished (Classroom, Office, Hallway etc):
Type of punishment (Cane,Slipper,Paddle etc):
Number of strokes:
Applied to (Hand, Bottom, Legs etc):
Position adopted (Standing, Bending over Chair, Desk etc):
State of dress (Over Trousers/Skirt, panties, bare etc):
Privacy (In private, In front of Class, With another teacher etc):
About the school
Name of School:
Were you ever punished again for the same offence?:
Do you consider the punishment effective?:
Any other relevant info:
Many thanks for your participation. I will reply to this post myself with the details of the CP I received.
Note: I see no reason why schools should not be named as they were operating completely within the law.
About You:
Gender: Male
Approximate age when punished: 9
Approximate year of punishment: 1981
Crime committed or alleged: Misbehaviour on the bus to school
About the punishment
Administered by Head, or Staff member: Headmistress
Gender of staff member: Female
Location punished (Classroom, Office, Hallway etc): Office
Type of punishment (Cane,Slipper,Paddle etc): Cane
Number of strokes: 4
Applied to (Hand, Bottom, Legs etc): Hands (two strokes on each hand)
Position adopted (Standing, Bending over Chair, Desk etc): Standing hand outstretched
State of dress (Over Trousers/Skirt, panties, bare etc): School uniform
Privacy (In private, In front of Class, With another teacher etc): In front of my friend who also received the cane
About the school
Name of School: BPPS
Town: Hunters Hill
Country: Australia
Were you ever punished again for the same offence?: Yes
Do you consider the punishment effective?: Probably not as I received the cane for the same offence the following year.
Any other relevant info:
This was the first time that I received the cane, the bus driver had taken my name and reported me to the bus company who informed the school. My friend and I were summoned to the Headmistress after recess. We had to wait several minutes outside her office with our hands on our heads and noses to the wall. During the 15 minutes that we were in the office we were scolded; told what our punishment was going to be; caned (I had to put my hand in my armpit after the second and fourth strokes); a further scolding and the threat of another dose of the cane if we misbehaved on the bus again; to finally being sent back to class. In addition to receiving the cane we had to stand outside the administration block with hands on heads and noses to the wall for the first half of lunch. On the way back to class we stopped in the boys toilets to soothe our stinging hands under cold water which was not a successful strategy as it made the sting worse-thanks to advice from my older sister.