Corporal punishment survey 30

About You:
Gender: Male
Approximate age when punished: 10
Approximate year of punishment: 1982
Crime committed or alleged: Misbehaviour on the bus to school

About the punishment
Administered by Head, or Staff member: Headmistress
Gender of staff member: Female
Location punished (Classroom, Office, Hallway etc): Office
Type of punishment (Cane,Slipper,Paddle etc): Cane
Number of strokes: 4
Applied to (Hand, Bottom, Legs etc): Hands (two strokes on each hand)
Position adopted (Standing, Bending over Chair, Desk etc): Standing hand outstretched palm flattened
State of dress (Over Trousers/Skirt, panties, bare etc): School uniform
Privacy (In private, In front of Class, With another teacher etc): In front of my friend who also received the cane

About the school
Name of School: BPPS
Town: Sydney
Country: Australia

Were you ever punished again for the same offence?: No
Do you consider the punishment effective?: Yes I was quite scared and was well behaved on the way to and from school.

Any other relevant info:
This was the first time that I received the cane, the bus driver had taken my name and reported me to the bus company who informed the school. My friend and I were summoned to the Headmistress after recess. We had to wait several minutes outside her office with our hands on our heads and noses to the wall. During the 15 minutes that we were in the office we were scolded; told what our punishment was going to be. I was caned first and then my friend was caned, he managed to keep his hands out for the four strokes but I put my hand in my armpit twice and shook my hand once when I received the strokes on my left hand. After we had been caned we were scolded a gain and threatened with the cane if we misbehaved on the bus again. In addition to the cane we had to stand outside the administration block facing the wall for the first half of lunch (this was a common punishment for misbehaviour during recess or lunch but you could find yourself there if you had visited the Headmistress). We were sent back to class but we stopped in the toilets to soothe our stinging hands under cold water after receiving advice from my older sister, this actually made the pain worse. I had to show the marks to my desk mate I and was scolded by my teacher for whispering in class.


Jan 10, 2013#292

Corporal punishment survey

Hi, I don’t know if this forum can help, but I’m trying to put together some realistic data regarding the use of corporal punishment in schools.

Reading this and other internet sources of information it is clearly very hard to distinguish between genuine accounts of CP, peoples fantasies, and role play.

School punishment books are difficult to find, or access. When they are available they only show the information that the establishments wished to disclose. They also only reflect official punishments, generally administered by the Head, consequentially they are not very representative of the general use of CP within schools.

If I study references in the media, the reports are generally only written when the incident was questionably outside the law. In England where I live, and indeed went to school, corporal punishment was legally practiced up until 1986. Therefore there would be no reason for the media to cover anything except the unusual.

Many of us however have witnessed (often first hand) the use of corporal punishment at school. If you have (as indeed have I) I’d be very grateful if you’d reply to this post giving as much accurate information as you feel comfortable with. However to keep this thread out of the realm of fantasy, I’d ask that you only post facts, and leave the creative writing and long discussions to other forums.

The information I’d love you to provide is the following:

About You:
Approximate age when punished:
Approximate year of punishment:
Crime committed or alleged:

About the punishment
Administered by Head, or Staff member:
Gender of staff member:
Location punished (Classroom, Office, Hallway etc):
Type of punishment (Cane,Slipper,Paddle etc):
Number of strokes:
Applied to (Hand, Bottom, Legs etc):
Position adopted (Standing, Bending over Chair, Desk etc):
State of dress (Over Trousers/Skirt, panties, bare etc):
Privacy (In private, In front of Class, With another teacher etc):

About the school
Name of School:

Were you ever punished again for the same offence?:
Do you consider the punishment effective?:

Any other relevant info:

Many thanks for your participation. I will reply to this post myself with the details of the CP I received.

Note: I see no reason why schools should not be named as they were operating completely within the law.

Hello Oliver,

Girls could receive the cane in primary school and in one of the instances where I was caned in primary school a girl was present and she also received the cane. When I started my secondary schooling I was not aware that girls were exempt from the cane until it was pointed out to me. Some commented that it was unfair but it was not widely discussed. Girls who had not received the cane did take in interest when one of us was caned and wanted to know what happened and see the marks.

When school corporal punishment ceased and was there was talk about rintroducing it I remember parents being asked whether to return to corporal punishment or not and I think that a fair few parents supported its use as well a a lot of the teaching staff but I think the decision was not to reintroduce the cane but I might be wrong. I was in my last two years of schooling and concentrating on other things so I don’t remember and I did not commit any transgressions that would have earnt puishment.

I do believe that it was unfair that girls could not be caned in secondary schools.


Jan 10, 2013#293

Corporal punishment survey

Hi, I don’t know if this forum can help, but I’m trying to put together some realistic data regarding the use of corporal punishment in schools.

Reading this and other internet sources of information it is clearly very hard to distinguish between genuine accounts of CP, peoples fantasies, and role play.

School punishment books are difficult to find, or access. When they are available they only show the information that the establishments wished to disclose. They also only reflect official punishments, generally administered by the Head, consequentially they are not very representative of the general use of CP within schools.

If I study references in the media, the reports are generally only written when the incident was questionably outside the law. In England where I live, and indeed went to school, corporal punishment was legally practiced up until 1986. Therefore there would be no reason for the media to cover anything except the unusual.

Many of us however have witnessed (often first hand) the use of corporal punishment at school. If you have (as indeed have I) I’d be very grateful if you’d reply to this post giving as much accurate information as you feel comfortable with. However to keep this thread out of the realm of fantasy, I’d ask that you only post facts, and leave the creative writing and long discussions to other forums.

The information I’d love you to provide is the following:

About You:
Approximate age when punished:
Approximate year of punishment:
Crime committed or alleged:

About the punishment
Administered by Head, or Staff member:
Gender of staff member:
Location punished (Classroom, Office, Hallway etc):
Type of punishment (Cane,Slipper,Paddle etc):
Number of strokes:
Applied to (Hand, Bottom, Legs etc):
Position adopted (Standing, Bending over Chair, Desk etc):
State of dress (Over Trousers/Skirt, panties, bare etc):
Privacy (In private, In front of Class, With another teacher etc):

About the school
Name of School:

Were you ever punished again for the same offence?:
Do you consider the punishment effective?:

Any other relevant info:

Many thanks for your participation. I will reply to this post myself with the details of the CP I received.

Note: I see no reason why schools should not be named as they were operating completely within the law.

About You:
Gender: Male
Approximate age when punished: 12
Approximate year of punishment: 1984
Crime committed or alleged: School fruit fight

About the punishment
Administered by Head, or Staff member: Headmistress
Gender of staff member: Female
Location punished (Classroom, Office, Hallway etc): Office
Type of punishment (Cane,Slipper,Paddle etc): Cane
Number of strokes: 6
Applied to (Hand, Bottom, Legs etc): Hands (three strokes on each hand)
Position adopted (Standing, Bending over Chair, Desk etc): Standing hand outstretched
State of dress (Over Trousers/Skirt, panties, bare etc): School uniform
Privacy (In private, In front of Class, With another teacher etc): In the office with a boy and girl present who were also caned for the same offence.

About the school
Name of School: BPPS
Town: Sydney
Country: Australia

Were you ever punished again for the same offence?: No

Do you consider the punishment effective?: Yes I was not involved in another one.

There were several boys and a few girls who were caned for their involvement in the incident ( I found out later that we were called out of class in groups of 3). All of the boys received six strokes of the cane, and the girls received four strokes of the cane this was the last time I received the cane in primary school.

When we arrived at the Headmistress office we had to stand with our hands on our heads and noses to the wall. We were summoned after waiting about 5-10 minutes and our Headmistress had her cane lying across her desk. She picked it up and was holding her cane as she scolded us and then she flexed her cane and ordered the first boy (name witheld) to hold out his hand before whacking him. I remember that we all put up a fuss when we were being caned by either putting our hands in our armpits or rubbing them together. When each of us rubbed we were told to put the hand that was not being caned behind our backs and promptly told to raise our hand again. Our Headmistress would place her cane lightly onto your palm before raising it and swishing it down. I was the last to be caned and I was quite scared having see the other two receive their punishments, I always hated seeing the cane swishing down onto my palms.

Any other relevant info:

As an additional punishment we had to stand and face the wall of the administration block for recess the following day. During assembly the same day our Headmistress gave the school a lecture about throwing objects around the playground and stated that those caught doing so would be caned.


Jan 10, 2013#294

Corporal punishment survey

Hi, I don’t know if this forum can help, but I’m trying to put together some realistic data regarding the use of corporal punishment in schools.

Reading this and other internet sources of information it is clearly very hard to distinguish between genuine accounts of CP, peoples fantasies, and role play.

School punishment books are difficult to find, or access. When they are available they only show the information that the establishments wished to disclose. They also only reflect official punishments, generally administered by the Head, consequentially they are not very representative of the general use of CP within schools.

If I study references in the media, the reports are generally only written when the incident was questionably outside the law. In England where I live, and indeed went to school, corporal punishment was legally practiced up until 1986. Therefore there would be no reason for the media to cover anything except the unusual.

Many of us however have witnessed (often first hand) the use of corporal punishment at school. If you have (as indeed have I) I’d be very grateful if you’d reply to this post giving as much accurate information as you feel comfortable with. However to keep this thread out of the realm of fantasy, I’d ask that you only post facts, and leave the creative writing and long discussions to other forums.

The information I’d love you to provide is the following:

About You:
Approximate age when punished:
Approximate year of punishment:
Crime committed or alleged:

About the punishment
Administered by Head, or Staff member:
Gender of staff member:
Location punished (Classroom, Office, Hallway etc):
Type of punishment (Cane,Slipper,Paddle etc):
Number of strokes:
Applied to (Hand, Bottom, Legs etc):
Position adopted (Standing, Bending over Chair, Desk etc):
State of dress (Over Trousers/Skirt, panties, bare etc):
Privacy (In private, In front of Class, With another teacher etc):

About the school
Name of School:

Were you ever punished again for the same offence?:
Do you consider the punishment effective?:

Any other relevant info:

Many thanks for your participation. I will reply to this post myself with the details of the CP I received.

Note: I see no reason why schools should not be named as they were operating completely within the law.

Posted Mar 23, 2010 6:29 PM

Corporal punishment survey

The information I’d love you to provide is the following:

About You: Stuart
Gender: male (checks yip still one of the smelly things)
Approximate age when punished:8
Approximate year of punishment: 1977
Crime committed or alleged: arrived at school soaking wet, well everyone did, Teacher told us to strip to vest and pants and change into PE kit, I had forgot mine as usual me or mum was hopeless, I refused had a massive tantrum screamed my head off (what a brat)

About the punishment Mrs Muir (hated me and the feeling was mutual)picked me up and dragged me to Mrs Murray (used to be famous on friends re united (Dunipace primary)
Administered by Head, or Staff member: Mrs Muir skelped me in frustration to Mrs Murrays office, and then Mrs Murray slippered my bottom before forcing me to change into spare PE shorts and vest…
Gender of staff member: both Females I think..maybe one hobit..
Location punished (Classroom, Office, Hallway etc): hall way and headmistress office next to the front door
Type of punishment (Cane,Slipper,Paddle etc): hand and slipper
Number of strokes: lost count
Applied to (Hand, Bottom, Legs etc): bottom and back of legs
Position adopted (Standing, Bending over Chair, Desk etc): standing and over the knee
State of dress (Over Trousers/Skirt, panties, bare etc): very wet pants
Privacy (In private, In front of Class, With another teacher etc): Teachers

About the school very old building over 100 years old outside toilets and then porta cabins, no proper changing facilities
Name of School: Dunipace primary
Town: Dunipace near Denny
Country: central region Scotland as was

Effectiveness not very hardly ever was except Mrs Murrays tawse (wet my underpants when I got that for being out of bounds three times in a row (never got caught after that lol)
Were you ever punished again for the same offence?: no
Do you consider the punishment effective?: guess so I was a brat so probably thinking back deserved the numerous spanking as Mrs Murray enjoyed that dubious pleasure

Any other relevant info:As I get older I think more fondly on old Mrs murray and her funny hair doo and bloody sore beltings lol

Many thanks for your participation. I will reply to this post myself with the details of the CP I received.

Note: I see no reason why schools should not be named as they were operating completely within the law.


Jan 14, 2013#295

Corporal punishment survey

Hi, I don’t know if this forum can help, but I’m trying to put together some realistic data regarding the use of corporal punishment in schools.

Reading this and other internet sources of information it is clearly very hard to distinguish between genuine accounts of CP, peoples fantasies, and role play.

School punishment books are difficult to find, or access. When they are available they only show the information that the establishments wished to disclose. They also only reflect official punishments, generally administered by the Head, consequentially they are not very representative of the general use of CP within schools.

If I study references in the media, the reports are generally only written when the incident was questionably outside the law. In England where I live, and indeed went to school, corporal punishment was legally practiced up until 1986. Therefore there would be no reason for the media to cover anything except the unusual.

Many of us however have witnessed (often first hand) the use of corporal punishment at school. If you have (as indeed have I) I’d be very grateful if you’d reply to this post giving as much accurate information as you feel comfortable with. However to keep this thread out of the realm of fantasy, I’d ask that you only post facts, and leave the creative writing and long discussions to other forums.

The information I’d love you to provide is the following:

About You:
Approximate age when punished:
Approximate year of punishment:
Crime committed or alleged:

About the punishment
Administered by Head, or Staff member:
Gender of staff member:
Location punished (Classroom, Office, Hallway etc):
Type of punishment (Cane,Slipper,Paddle etc):
Number of strokes:
Applied to (Hand, Bottom, Legs etc):
Position adopted (Standing, Bending over Chair, Desk etc):
State of dress (Over Trousers/Skirt, panties, bare etc):
Privacy (In private, In front of Class, With another teacher etc):

About the school
Name of School:

Were you ever punished again for the same offence?:
Do you consider the punishment effective?:

Any other relevant info:

Many thanks for your participation. I will reply to this post myself with the details of the CP I received.

Note: I see no reason why schools should not be named as they were operating completely within the law.

Hi N.D.

A belated thank you for your replies to my questions. I am sure your views are reasonably representative.

I should note that I attended schools in northern Sydney in the 1960s. The cane on the hands was the standard punishment, but I suspect rules were bent a little more at that time. At primary school from time to time our teacher would put boys over his knee and spank them. I was threatened once and found that embarrassing enough. The only girl I saw punished had her skirt lifted and was smacked hard on the upper thigh.

In high school most teachers used the cane. This was on the hands and usually in the corridor or an office adjoining the classroom, so like most I saw many canings. Several of the older teachers would also bend boys over in class and hit them with various implements (eg cane, T square, sandshoe(slipper), hand or stick).

Amanda Lewis

Feb 27, 2014#296

Corporal punishment survey

Hi, I don’t know if this forum can help, but I’m trying to put together some realistic data regarding the use of corporal punishment in schools.

Reading this and other internet sources of information it is clearly very hard to distinguish between genuine accounts of CP, peoples fantasies, and role play.

School punishment books are difficult to find, or access. When they are available they only show the information that the establishments wished to disclose. They also only reflect official punishments, generally administered by the Head, consequentially they are not very representative of the general use of CP within schools.

If I study references in the media, the reports are generally only written when the incident was questionably outside the law. In England where I live, and indeed went to school, corporal punishment was legally practiced up until 1986. Therefore there would be no reason for the media to cover anything except the unusual.

Many of us however have witnessed (often first hand) the use of corporal punishment at school. If you have (as indeed have I) I’d be very grateful if you’d reply to this post giving as much accurate information as you feel comfortable with. However to keep this thread out of the realm of fantasy, I’d ask that you only post facts, and leave the creative writing and long discussions to other forums.

The information I’d love you to provide is the following:

About You:
Approximate age when punished:
Approximate year of punishment:
Crime committed or alleged:

About the punishment
Administered by Head, or Staff member:
Gender of staff member:
Location punished (Classroom, Office, Hallway etc):
Type of punishment (Cane,Slipper,Paddle etc):
Number of strokes:
Applied to (Hand, Bottom, Legs etc):
Position adopted (Standing, Bending over Chair, Desk etc):
State of dress (Over Trousers/Skirt, panties, bare etc):
Privacy (In private, In front of Class, With another teacher etc):

About the school
Name of School:

Were you ever punished again for the same offence?:
Do you consider the punishment effective?:

Any other relevant info:

Many thanks for your participation. I will reply to this post myself with the details of the CP I received.

Note: I see no reason why schools should not be named as they were operating completely within the law.

About You:
Gender: Female
Approximate age when punished:9
Approximate year of punishment:1977
Crime committed or alleged: pushing a girl in class so that she fell over.

About the punishment
Administered by Head, or Staff member: class teacher
Gender of staff member: Female
Location punished (Classroom, Office, Hallway etc): classroom
Type of punishment (Cane,Slipper,Paddle etc): hand
Number of strokes: 4/5
Applied to (Hand, Bottom, Legs etc): bottom
Position adopted (Standing, Bending over Chair, Desk etc): over knee
State of dress (Over Trousers/Skirt, panties, bare etc): knickers
Privacy (In private, In front of Class, With another teacher etc): after class

About the school
Name of School:
Town: Worcester
Country: UK

Were you ever punished again for the same offence?: No
Do you consider the punishment effective?: No. I did it again but got away with it

Any other relevant info:

About You:
Gender: Female
Approximate age when punished:10
Approximate year of punishment: 1978
Crime committed or alleged: talking in a test

About the punishment
Administered by Head, or Staff member: class teacher
Gender of staff member: male
Location punished (Classroom, Office, Hallway etc): classroom
Type of punishment (Cane,Slipper,Paddle etc): hand
Number of strokes: six
Applied to (Hand, Bottom, Legs etc): legs
Position adopted (Standing, Bending over Chair, Desk etc): standing
State of dress (Over Trousers/Skirt, panties, bare etc): bare legs
Privacy (In private, In front of Class, With another teacher etc): in class

About the school
Name of School:
Town: Worcester
Country: UK

Were you ever punished again for the same offence?: yes.
Do you consider the punishment effective?:
Any other relevant info:
It is the memory of having to lift the back of my dress so my legss could be smacked that remains with me.


About You:
Gender: Female
Approximate age when punished: 13
Approximate year of punishment: 1981
Crime committed or alleged: forgetting PE kit

About the punishment
Administered by Head, or Staff member: PE teacher
Gender of staff member: Female
Location punished (Classroom, Office, Hallway etc): changing room
Type of punishment (Cane,Slipper,Paddle etc): slipper
Number of strokes: 6
Applied to (Hand, Bottom, Legs etc): bottom
Position adopted (Standing, Bending over Chair, Desk etc): bending over, hands on bench
State of dress (Over Trousers/Skirt, panties, bare etc): borrowed (from lost property) gym knickers
Privacy (In private, In front of Class, With another teacher etc): private, one other forgetter

About the school
Name of School:
Town: Worcester
Country: UK

Were you ever punished again for the same offence?: yes
Do you consider the punishment effective?:
Yes – I didn’t forget my kit for nearly a year
Any other relevant info:


About You:
Gender: Female
Approximate age when punished: 15
Approximate year of punishment: 1983
Crime committed or alleged: smoking on school grounds

About the punishment
Administered by Head, or Staff member: deputy headmistress
Gender of staff member: female
Location punished (Classroom, Office, Hallway etc): office
Type of punishment (Cane,Slipper,Paddle etc): Cane
Number of strokes: 6
Applied to (Hand, Bottom, Legs etc): bottom
Position adopted (Standing, Bending over Chair, Desk etc): bent over desk
State of dress (Over Trousers/Skirt, panties, bare etc): knickers
Privacy (In private, In front of Class, With another teacher etc)rivate

About the school
Name of School:
Town: Birmingham
Country: UK

Were you ever punished again for the same offence?: no
Do you consider the punishment effective?:
Any other relevant info:
My only attempt at smoking. I didn’t enjoy it. The caning hurt more than I had expected when I was being taken to the office.


About You:
Gender: female
Approximate age when punished: 17
Approximate year of punishment: 1985
Crime committed or alleged: repeatedly flouncing around the classroom

About the punishment
Administered by Head, or Staff member: class teacher
Gender of staff member: male
Location punished (Classroom, Office, Hallway etc): classroom
Type of punishment (Cane,Slipper,Paddle etc): slipper
Number of strokes: 4
Applied to (Hand, Bottom, Legs etc): bottom
Position adopted (Standing, Bending over Chair, Desk etc): leaning forwards with bottom out
State of dress (Over Trousers/Skirt, panties, bare etc): skirt
Privacy (In private, In front of Class, With another teacher etc): in class

About the school
Name of School:
Town: Birmingham
Country: UK

Were you ever punished again for the same offence?: No
Do you consider the punishment effective?: No.

Any other relevant info: these lessons were more relaxed than in the lower school, so a bit more fun was had. The slippering was fairly token, not really hard whacks.


Dec 05, 2014#297

Corporal punishment survey

Hi, I don’t know if this forum can help, but I’m trying to put together some realistic data regarding the use of corporal punishment in schools.

Reading this and other internet sources of information it is clearly very hard to distinguish between genuine accounts of CP, peoples fantasies, and role play.

School punishment books are difficult to find, or access. When they are available they only show the information that the establishments wished to disclose. They also only reflect official punishments, generally administered by the Head, consequentially they are not very representative of the general use of CP within schools.

If I study references in the media, the reports are generally only written when the incident was questionably outside the law. In England where I live, and indeed went to school, corporal punishment was legally practiced up until 1986. Therefore there would be no reason for the media to cover anything except the unusual.

Many of us however have witnessed (often first hand) the use of corporal punishment at school. If you have (as indeed have I) I’d be very grateful if you’d reply to this post giving as much accurate information as you feel comfortable with. However to keep this thread out of the realm of fantasy, I’d ask that you only post facts, and leave the creative writing and long discussions to other forums.

The information I’d love you to provide is the following:

About You:
Approximate age when punished:
Approximate year of punishment:
Crime committed or alleged:

About the punishment
Administered by Head, or Staff member:
Gender of staff member:
Location punished (Classroom, Office, Hallway etc):
Type of punishment (Cane,Slipper,Paddle etc):
Number of strokes:
Applied to (Hand, Bottom, Legs etc):
Position adopted (Standing, Bending over Chair, Desk etc):
State of dress (Over Trousers/Skirt, panties, bare etc):
Privacy (In private, In front of Class, With another teacher etc):

About the school
Name of School:

Were you ever punished again for the same offence?:
Do you consider the punishment effective?:

Any other relevant info:

Many thanks for your participation. I will reply to this post myself with the details of the CP I received.

Note: I see no reason why schools should not be named as they were operating completely within the law.

Another_Lurker wrote that readers, should feel free to use their skill and judgement in deciding between two posts from earlier times in this forum.

I have never thought that I was particularly lacking in skill or judgement, but I am finding it very hard to choose between utter nonsense and complete tosh!


Dec 10, 2014#298

Corporal punishment survey

Hi, I don’t know if this forum can help, but I’m trying to put together some realistic data regarding the use of corporal punishment in schools.

Reading this and other internet sources of information it is clearly very hard to distinguish between genuine accounts of CP, peoples fantasies, and role play.

School punishment books are difficult to find, or access. When they are available they only show the information that the establishments wished to disclose. They also only reflect official punishments, generally administered by the Head, consequentially they are not very representative of the general use of CP within schools.

If I study references in the media, the reports are generally only written when the incident was questionably outside the law. In England where I live, and indeed went to school, corporal punishment was legally practiced up until 1986. Therefore there would be no reason for the media to cover anything except the unusual.

Many of us however have witnessed (often first hand) the use of corporal punishment at school. If you have (as indeed have I) I’d be very grateful if you’d reply to this post giving as much accurate information as you feel comfortable with. However to keep this thread out of the realm of fantasy, I’d ask that you only post facts, and leave the creative writing and long discussions to other forums.

The information I’d love you to provide is the following:

About You:
Approximate age when punished:
Approximate year of punishment:
Crime committed or alleged:

About the punishment
Administered by Head, or Staff member:
Gender of staff member:
Location punished (Classroom, Office, Hallway etc):
Type of punishment (Cane,Slipper,Paddle etc):
Number of strokes:
Applied to (Hand, Bottom, Legs etc):
Position adopted (Standing, Bending over Chair, Desk etc):
State of dress (Over Trousers/Skirt, panties, bare etc):
Privacy (In private, In front of Class, With another teacher etc):

About the school
Name of School:

Were you ever punished again for the same offence?:
Do you consider the punishment effective?:

Any other relevant info:

Many thanks for your participation. I will reply to this post myself with the details of the CP I received.

Note: I see no reason why schools should not be named as they were operating completely within the law.

I’m happy to reply to your request:

Gender: Male
Approximate age when punished: 5 to 15 years old
Approximate year of punishment: all the above
Crime committed or alleged: anything from talking in class to bad schoolwork

About the punishment
Administered by Head, or Staff member: Class teacher and Headmaster
Gender of staff member: Male (only one female teacher who did not use CP)
Location punished (Classroom, Office, Hallway etc): Classroom/Headmaster’s office
Type of punishment (Cane,Slipper,Paddle etc): 3-ply stitched leather strap/School cane
Number of strokes: 1 to 12 depending on offence
Applied to (Hand, Bottom, Legs etc): Hand and bottom (on underpants)
Position adopted (Standing, Bending over Chair, Desk etc): Standing (on hands), bending over desk (bottom)
State of dress (Over Trousers/Skirt, panties, bare etc): see above
Privacy (In private, In front of Class, With another teacher etc): both

About the school
Name of School: rather not say
Town: Dublin
Country: Ireland

Were you ever punished again for the same offence?: yes
Do you consider the punishment effective?: generally,yes