Corporal punishment survey 46


Nov 10, 2015#451

Corporal punishment survey

Hi, I don’t know if this forum can help, but I’m trying to put together some realistic data regarding the use of corporal punishment in schools.

Reading this and other internet sources of information it is clearly very hard to distinguish between genuine accounts of CP, peoples fantasies, and role play.

School punishment books are difficult to find, or access. When they are available they only show the information that the establishments wished to disclose. They also only reflect official punishments, generally administered by the Head, consequentially they are not very representative of the general use of CP within schools.

If I study references in the media, the reports are generally only written when the incident was questionably outside the law. In England where I live, and indeed went to school, corporal punishment was legally practiced up until 1986. Therefore there would be no reason for the media to cover anything except the unusual.

Many of us however have witnessed (often first hand) the use of corporal punishment at school. If you have (as indeed have I) I’d be very grateful if you’d reply to this post giving as much accurate information as you feel comfortable with. However to keep this thread out of the realm of fantasy, I’d ask that you only post facts, and leave the creative writing and long discussions to other forums.

The information I’d love you to provide is the following:

About You:
Approximate age when punished:
Approximate year of punishment:
Crime committed or alleged:

About the punishment
Administered by Head, or Staff member:
Gender of staff member:
Location punished (Classroom, Office, Hallway etc):
Type of punishment (Cane,Slipper,Paddle etc):
Number of strokes:
Applied to (Hand, Bottom, Legs etc):
Position adopted (Standing, Bending over Chair, Desk etc):
State of dress (Over Trousers/Skirt, panties, bare etc):
Privacy (In private, In front of Class, With another teacher etc):

About the school
Name of School:

Were you ever punished again for the same offence?:
Do you consider the punishment effective?:

Any other relevant info:

Many thanks for your participation. I will reply to this post myself with the details of the CP I received.

Note: I see no reason why schools should not be named as they were operating completely within the law.

Hello Another_Lurker,
In my experience, I think a gap of between five and ten seconds between strokes of the cane is ideal when the intention is to maximise the pain and the badness of what is happening. It gives it time to sink in but not enough time that you start to recover. More than 30 seconds of ongoing and growing pain, which is what you’ll get from six of the best given like this is an experience I doubt many children would want to repeat.
The more I think about it, the more I think the idea of a check by a nurse would have actually been sensible. When my parents gave me a real hiding, at its worst, it got severe. I am not saying it was abusive because it certainly wasn’t any worse than six of the best with the cane was but it did leave marks and bruising. I’m not sure if my parents would have actually given me that type of hiding if they knew I was going to be caned the following day, but if they had, I think the cane on top of that would have been at least potentially dangerous. And if that type of inspection added to the deterrent value, that could only be a good thing. I don’t think it would have for me. I simply don’t think I would have found the idea of our Matron seeing me undressed much of a problem because she was a nurse and I accepted the idea of nurses and doctors seeing you like that but if I had felt the same way about her seeing me as I did about my Aunt seeing me (because I didn’t want that) it would have added to the deterrent.
My almost ‘judicical corporal punishment experience’ was a deliberate attempt to try and come close to what that experience is really like without being silly enough about it to risk serious injury. The person who set it up said he had a very good understanding of what happened in Singapore and from what I know – which admittedly isn’t an awful lot – he seemed to. Somebody had built a framework and I was strapped into it while naked and experienced twelve hard strokes of the cane – which was a straight cane but not unusually thick, no thicker or larger than a school cane. I had agreed to take them all as long as I wasn’t cut. The main way it differed from other canings I’ve experienced is largely down to the restraint and the deliberately impersonal nature of it.
I really haven’t put a lot of thought into the idea of judicial corporal punishment for adults, beyond wondering if it was a good idea. When I was in my mid 20s, I was among a group of people fined for not having a train ticket and I remember noticing the rather different reactions of people in the group to being fined. A couple treated it as a joke – the amount of money involved simply didn’t matter to them – while another was devastated because her financial situation was already very unstable. I was somewhere in the middle – the amount was enough to be very annoying to me, but certainly wasn’t something I regarded as really punitive. I have the feeling that if instead of being issued with a financial penalty, we’d each been give 30 days in which to report somewhere for six strokes of the cane that most of the people involved would have found it a much more equitable experience of closer to equal undesirability – although I might have been the exception.
Quite seriously I am more convinced that it might not have been a good idea with juvenile offenders. I’m not really talking about serious crimes, I’m talking about the type of thing I did. I wound up getting ‘cautioned’ which really seemed to me to just involve being told off by a Police Inspector who really didn’t do a good job of telling me off. If that had been all that happened to me, I would have felt like I’d got off more or less completely. What made the matter serious for me was the fact that my Headmistress was present and so I knew there was real punishment on the horizon. It seems a bit ridiculous to me that my school was more able to punish me effectively than the police were.
By the time this was happening to me, corporal punishment was gone from state schools and only existed in a relatively small number of other schools so that might not seem that strange, but as far as I know the situation was the same even when almost every school had the cane available up until the 1980s. A Headmaster or Headmistress or just a normal teacher had the power to inflict real punishment simply because they decided you deserved it. The police didn’t. I really think it would have made a lot more sense and might have had a real impact on a lot of young offenders if every police Inspector had had the right to use a cane or to delegate somebody to do so in the same type of way they were allowed to give cautions. I’m pretty sure I had to admit the offence to be given a caution (I’m not 100% sure because my Headmistress was telling me what to do and I admitted it because she told me to) so there wasn’t any real question of guilt to be decided. Just punishment.
I wonder if the Inspector knew what was going to happen to me at school and that was why the caution was lacklustre but even if that hadn’t been the case, being told off just wouldn’t have had the same impact. If this idea was actually in place, I would think the punishment would have to be a serious one – six of the best sounds right to me. Bare bottom? Why not – differentiate it from the normal school punishment, make sure its seen as serious?
I think I’d be in favour of the idea of it being administered by a woman officer as well although I’m not sure if you could do that without it being seen as sexist. I’m not an expert on police procedures but my wife watches every single detective and police series under the sun and I’ve sat through many of them myself and from shows like ‘The Bill’, I have the distinct impression that women officers always tended to be stuck with cases involving children and this would be much the same. I don’t think girls should be exposed and punished by men – certainly not on the bare bottom – but I have no real problem with the idea of boys being punished in that way by women. They’d probably find it more embarassing but that probably isn’t a bad thing. And especially for the yob element – I have the feeling that a big, tough, 15 year old young offender with an attitude problem might really benefit from being made to cry like a little boy because a woman ‘smacked his bottom’. As I’ve said, when I was caned and slippered, it actually made me feel like a little boy in a lot of ways even though I was 14 and most of the time thought of myself as pretty mature and almost grown up.
But those days might be past. I’m not sure. I would like independent schools to be allowed to use corporal punishment but I think most probably wouldn’t. But if parents support the idea and they are willing to make that choice of school I think they should be allowed to. I’d probably also support it for state schools if a majority of parents wanted it but would you get that majority nowadays? Maybe in the type of community I grew up in. Maybe in some areas where there are particular ethnic or religious groups too.
I think a lot of schools just aren’t good enough to have corporal punishment to be honest. When I was facing expulsion from school, what I feared most was winding up in some sort of terrible sink school – I had the feeling that is where expelled boys wound up (although I think in reality my parents would have kept looking until they found another private school willing to take me and I assume there would have been one willing to give me a second chance – ‘privilege’ in action. I can’t imagine how awful it is for a child to be trapped in a bad school – and being trapped in a bad school where they are allowed to hit you would almost certainly be even more awful. I went to a good school, a really good one. I think that makes a lot of difference.
By the way, I decided to bring up the subject of corporal punishment on my school’s Facebook page for ‘Old’ boys and girls. It’s been interesting to say the least. I don’t feel right sharing specific posts but if people are interested, I can try and sum up what is being said, I think. I assume people would be interested.

Nov 12, 2015#452

Corporal punishment survey

Hi, I don’t know if this forum can help, but I’m trying to put together some realistic data regarding the use of corporal punishment in schools.

Reading this and other internet sources of information it is clearly very hard to distinguish between genuine accounts of CP, peoples fantasies, and role play.

School punishment books are difficult to find, or access. When they are available they only show the information that the establishments wished to disclose. They also only reflect official punishments, generally administered by the Head, consequentially they are not very representative of the general use of CP within schools.

If I study references in the media, the reports are generally only written when the incident was questionably outside the law. In England where I live, and indeed went to school, corporal punishment was legally practiced up until 1986. Therefore there would be no reason for the media to cover anything except the unusual.

Many of us however have witnessed (often first hand) the use of corporal punishment at school. If you have (as indeed have I) I’d be very grateful if you’d reply to this post giving as much accurate information as you feel comfortable with. However to keep this thread out of the realm of fantasy, I’d ask that you only post facts, and leave the creative writing and long discussions to other forums.

The information I’d love you to provide is the following:

About You:
Approximate age when punished:
Approximate year of punishment:
Crime committed or alleged:

About the punishment
Administered by Head, or Staff member:
Gender of staff member:
Location punished (Classroom, Office, Hallway etc):
Type of punishment (Cane,Slipper,Paddle etc):
Number of strokes:
Applied to (Hand, Bottom, Legs etc):
Position adopted (Standing, Bending over Chair, Desk etc):
State of dress (Over Trousers/Skirt, panties, bare etc):
Privacy (In private, In front of Class, With another teacher etc):

About the school
Name of School:

Were you ever punished again for the same offence?:
Do you consider the punishment effective?:

Any other relevant info:

Many thanks for your participation. I will reply to this post myself with the details of the CP I received.

Note: I see no reason why schools should not be named as they were operating completely within the law.

Hello Jerry,

Your last post was very interesting. At the end, you said:

By the way, I decided to bring up the subject of corporal punishment on my school’s Facebook page for ‘Old’ boys and girls. It’s been interesting to say the least. I don’t feel right sharing specific posts but if people are interested, I can try and sum up what is being said, I think. I assume people would be interested.

Yes I would certainly be interested to hear the general thrust of what people are saying. In particular, it would be interesting to hear about girls’ experiences of CP at your school.





Nov 29, 2015#453

Corporal punishment survey

Hi, I don’t know if this forum can help, but I’m trying to put together some realistic data regarding the use of corporal punishment in schools.

Reading this and other internet sources of information it is clearly very hard to distinguish between genuine accounts of CP, peoples fantasies, and role play.

School punishment books are difficult to find, or access. When they are available they only show the information that the establishments wished to disclose. They also only reflect official punishments, generally administered by the Head, consequentially they are not very representative of the general use of CP within schools.

If I study references in the media, the reports are generally only written when the incident was questionably outside the law. In England where I live, and indeed went to school, corporal punishment was legally practiced up until 1986. Therefore there would be no reason for the media to cover anything except the unusual.

Many of us however have witnessed (often first hand) the use of corporal punishment at school. If you have (as indeed have I) I’d be very grateful if you’d reply to this post giving as much accurate information as you feel comfortable with. However to keep this thread out of the realm of fantasy, I’d ask that you only post facts, and leave the creative writing and long discussions to other forums.

The information I’d love you to provide is the following:

About You:
Approximate age when punished:
Approximate year of punishment:
Crime committed or alleged:

About the punishment
Administered by Head, or Staff member:
Gender of staff member:
Location punished (Classroom, Office, Hallway etc):
Type of punishment (Cane,Slipper,Paddle etc):
Number of strokes:
Applied to (Hand, Bottom, Legs etc):
Position adopted (Standing, Bending over Chair, Desk etc):
State of dress (Over Trousers/Skirt, panties, bare etc):
Privacy (In private, In front of Class, With another teacher etc):

About the school
Name of School:

Were you ever punished again for the same offence?:
Do you consider the punishment effective?:

Any other relevant info:

Many thanks for your participation. I will reply to this post myself with the details of the CP I received.

Note: I see no reason why schools should not be named as they were operating completely within the law.

Gender: Male.
Approximate age when punished: 11
Approximate year of punishment: 1968 – 69
Crime committed or alleged: Forgetting maths homework

About the punishment
Administered by Head, or Staff member: Mr Briscoe (Head of maths dept)
Gender of staff member: Male
Location punished (Classroom, Office, Hallway etc): Mr Briscoes classroom
Type of punishment (Cane,Slipper,Paddle etc): Plimsoll
Number of strokes: 6
Applied to (Hand, Bottom, Legs etc): Bottom.
Position adopted (Standing, Bending over Chair, Desk etc):Bent over touching toes
State of dress (Over Trousers/Skirt, panties, bare etc): Trousers
Privacy (In private, In front of Class, With another teacher etc): Miss Jeffers (maths teacher)in attendance

About the school
Name of School: Secondary school North West
Country: UK

Were you ever punished again for the same offence?: yes
Do you consider the punishment effective?: Yes

Any other relevant info – The previous week i failed to hand in my maths homework,which earned me one hundred lines from Miss Jeffers and a warning that if i failed to hand in next weeks homework,she would send me to Mr Briscoe to be dealt with
The day the homework was due to be handed in i overslept,and in my haste to get to school forgot to pick up my maths homework.I only realised this the lesson before maths
I tried to explain to Miss Jeffers what had happened but she was not going to listen to any excuses and i was to report to Mr Briscoe at the end of the lesson.
On arrival at Mr Briscoes room i was told wait outside till Miss Jeffers arrived and was then called in.Mr Briscoe gave me a right rollicking on how important maths was and showing respect to female members of staff,which i always did
Then came the grand finale as he produced the plimsoll from the drawer,it was black and looked very well worn ,probably from plenty of use,i was ordered to bend over and touch my toes,my blazer was folded over,then a couple of taps of the plimsoll,and whack! the first one landed,i remember jumping up grabbing my bottom,only to be ordered back into position another five whacks landed and i howled after every one of them and i had tears in my eyes,the pain was unbearable.
After the slippering i then had to go and help Miss Jeffers to tidy her stockroom

Nov 30, 2015#454

Corporal punishment survey

Hi, I don’t know if this forum can help, but I’m trying to put together some realistic data regarding the use of corporal punishment in schools.

Reading this and other internet sources of information it is clearly very hard to distinguish between genuine accounts of CP, peoples fantasies, and role play.

School punishment books are difficult to find, or access. When they are available they only show the information that the establishments wished to disclose. They also only reflect official punishments, generally administered by the Head, consequentially they are not very representative of the general use of CP within schools.

If I study references in the media, the reports are generally only written when the incident was questionably outside the law. In England where I live, and indeed went to school, corporal punishment was legally practiced up until 1986. Therefore there would be no reason for the media to cover anything except the unusual.

Many of us however have witnessed (often first hand) the use of corporal punishment at school. If you have (as indeed have I) I’d be very grateful if you’d reply to this post giving as much accurate information as you feel comfortable with. However to keep this thread out of the realm of fantasy, I’d ask that you only post facts, and leave the creative writing and long discussions to other forums.

The information I’d love you to provide is the following:

About You:
Approximate age when punished:
Approximate year of punishment:
Crime committed or alleged:

About the punishment
Administered by Head, or Staff member:
Gender of staff member:
Location punished (Classroom, Office, Hallway etc):
Type of punishment (Cane,Slipper,Paddle etc):
Number of strokes:
Applied to (Hand, Bottom, Legs etc):
Position adopted (Standing, Bending over Chair, Desk etc):
State of dress (Over Trousers/Skirt, panties, bare etc):
Privacy (In private, In front of Class, With another teacher etc):

About the school
Name of School:

Were you ever punished again for the same offence?:
Do you consider the punishment effective?:

Any other relevant info:

Many thanks for your participation. I will reply to this post myself with the details of the CP I received.

Note: I see no reason why schools should not be named as they were operating completely within the law.

<div style=”width:100%;background-image:url(“/realm/A_L_123/A_L_trg.gif”);”>Hello sc545474,

An interesting account, thank you. You certainly had rather more than your fair share of SCP. Your 7th punishment recorded in this thread I think, and still only up to age 11. I’d only managed one leg slapping and a minor slippering by that age, and that was quite enough for me, I didn’t get any more for the rest of my school career.

Were there reasons why Miss Miss Jeffers didn’t punish you herself, as it was her homework you’d forgotten. I note that in your other recorded slippering at that school you were slippered by a Housemaster and the two girls involved in the escapade got lines rather than the slipper. Were girls exempt from SCP and boys only so punished by male staff please?</div>



Dec 02, 2015#455

Corporal punishment survey

Hi, I don’t know if this forum can help, but I’m trying to put together some realistic data regarding the use of corporal punishment in schools.

Reading this and other internet sources of information it is clearly very hard to distinguish between genuine accounts of CP, peoples fantasies, and role play.

School punishment books are difficult to find, or access. When they are available they only show the information that the establishments wished to disclose. They also only reflect official punishments, generally administered by the Head, consequentially they are not very representative of the general use of CP within schools.

If I study references in the media, the reports are generally only written when the incident was questionably outside the law. In England where I live, and indeed went to school, corporal punishment was legally practiced up until 1986. Therefore there would be no reason for the media to cover anything except the unusual.

Many of us however have witnessed (often first hand) the use of corporal punishment at school. If you have (as indeed have I) I’d be very grateful if you’d reply to this post giving as much accurate information as you feel comfortable with. However to keep this thread out of the realm of fantasy, I’d ask that you only post facts, and leave the creative writing and long discussions to other forums.

The information I’d love you to provide is the following:

About You:
Approximate age when punished:
Approximate year of punishment:
Crime committed or alleged:

About the punishment
Administered by Head, or Staff member:
Gender of staff member:
Location punished (Classroom, Office, Hallway etc):
Type of punishment (Cane,Slipper,Paddle etc):
Number of strokes:
Applied to (Hand, Bottom, Legs etc):
Position adopted (Standing, Bending over Chair, Desk etc):
State of dress (Over Trousers/Skirt, panties, bare etc):
Privacy (In private, In front of Class, With another teacher etc):

About the school
Name of School:

Were you ever punished again for the same offence?:
Do you consider the punishment effective?:

Any other relevant info:

Many thanks for your participation. I will reply to this post myself with the details of the CP I received.

Note: I see no reason why schools should not be named as they were operating completely within the law.

Yes that was seven punishments,but i had been at school for just over six years
I was actually punished seven times at primary school,there are two accounts that i have not posted.I was at primary school
for five years so that works out at just over one punishment a year,i got off very lightly compared to others in my class
At secondary school i received numerous punishments which i will post sooner or later,again other pupils received a lot
more C.P than i did
With regard to Miss Jeffers,she did give me one hundred lines which i handed in to her,but then forgot my homework the week
after,as far as i recall no female teacher administered C.P it was always male teachers who gave you the whacking
Girls were exempt as far as i know from C.P we were never officially told this but i never witnessed or heard of a girl
being whacked. On the other hand the school just a few miles down the road did whack girls


Dec 05, 2015#456

Corporal punishment survey

Hi, I don’t know if this forum can help, but I’m trying to put together some realistic data regarding the use of corporal punishment in schools.

Reading this and other internet sources of information it is clearly very hard to distinguish between genuine accounts of CP, peoples fantasies, and role play.

School punishment books are difficult to find, or access. When they are available they only show the information that the establishments wished to disclose. They also only reflect official punishments, generally administered by the Head, consequentially they are not very representative of the general use of CP within schools.

If I study references in the media, the reports are generally only written when the incident was questionably outside the law. In England where I live, and indeed went to school, corporal punishment was legally practiced up until 1986. Therefore there would be no reason for the media to cover anything except the unusual.

Many of us however have witnessed (often first hand) the use of corporal punishment at school. If you have (as indeed have I) I’d be very grateful if you’d reply to this post giving as much accurate information as you feel comfortable with. However to keep this thread out of the realm of fantasy, I’d ask that you only post facts, and leave the creative writing and long discussions to other forums.

The information I’d love you to provide is the following:

About You:
Approximate age when punished:
Approximate year of punishment:
Crime committed or alleged:

About the punishment
Administered by Head, or Staff member:
Gender of staff member:
Location punished (Classroom, Office, Hallway etc):
Type of punishment (Cane,Slipper,Paddle etc):
Number of strokes:
Applied to (Hand, Bottom, Legs etc):
Position adopted (Standing, Bending over Chair, Desk etc):
State of dress (Over Trousers/Skirt, panties, bare etc):
Privacy (In private, In front of Class, With another teacher etc):

About the school
Name of School:

Were you ever punished again for the same offence?:
Do you consider the punishment effective?:

Any other relevant info:

Many thanks for your participation. I will reply to this post myself with the details of the CP I received.

Note: I see no reason why schools should not be named as they were operating completely within the law.

Recently joined the forum and have lurked for a while reading the interesting posts on this site.
I was born in the 50s and grew up in Essex very near to London and received an amount of CP, it was difficult to avoid it.
Memories of infant school are dim and while I recall it was used, slaps/ruler I never got it being well behaved.
All to change at 7 when primary school beckoned.
Whilst I never saw a cane in use we all knew the Headmistress had one. Fro the first day I witnessed smackings on hands, legs and bottom for boys and girls. I knew well to avoid them as the tears of those who got it was enough for me.
In the second year the slipper appeared and on the very first day of term I got it.
The class was waiting for the Teacher to arrive after break and we were a bit noisy. Mr B entered very quietly and then shouted for order. A few of us, boys and girls did not hear him and continued. Then we were called out the front.
I did not know why until the teacher opened his case and took out a very worn gym slipper. Immediately the class went quiet and my knees knocked. I can hardly remember the lecture but one after the other we were bent over and given a stinging whack, the boys on our shorts ( I was about third in line) followed by two tearful shaking girls. As we got it we were sent back to our desks so I never saw the girls whacked but saw them walking back clutching their bottoms and wailing. I had a few tears but was too shocked to do anything but sit quietly on my throbbing backside.
The rest of the lesson was very quiet indeed. At lunchtime we were the centre of attention and later on showed each other the marks.
I resolved to behave better in future. I was to find however that it was unavoidable and as well as getting the slipper dozens of times I once got sent to the Headmaster for the cane, one on each hand from a short but whippy straight handled one, something that hurt like hell.
The cane was rarely used in class only a few teachers had one. In general boys and girls got the slipper and sometimes girls were rulered on the legs ( they really jumped and howled.
I did see one girl caned, she was rude to the teacher and very cheeky. Out the front for one on her left hand had her crying and her attitude changed.
If anyone is interested I will continue with secondary school experiences at a later date. Jimmy

Dec 06, 2015#457

Corporal punishment survey

Hi, I don’t know if this forum can help, but I’m trying to put together some realistic data regarding the use of corporal punishment in schools.

Reading this and other internet sources of information it is clearly very hard to distinguish between genuine accounts of CP, peoples fantasies, and role play.

School punishment books are difficult to find, or access. When they are available they only show the information that the establishments wished to disclose. They also only reflect official punishments, generally administered by the Head, consequentially they are not very representative of the general use of CP within schools.

If I study references in the media, the reports are generally only written when the incident was questionably outside the law. In England where I live, and indeed went to school, corporal punishment was legally practiced up until 1986. Therefore there would be no reason for the media to cover anything except the unusual.

Many of us however have witnessed (often first hand) the use of corporal punishment at school. If you have (as indeed have I) I’d be very grateful if you’d reply to this post giving as much accurate information as you feel comfortable with. However to keep this thread out of the realm of fantasy, I’d ask that you only post facts, and leave the creative writing and long discussions to other forums.

The information I’d love you to provide is the following:

About You:
Approximate age when punished:
Approximate year of punishment:
Crime committed or alleged:

About the punishment
Administered by Head, or Staff member:
Gender of staff member:
Location punished (Classroom, Office, Hallway etc):
Type of punishment (Cane,Slipper,Paddle etc):
Number of strokes:
Applied to (Hand, Bottom, Legs etc):
Position adopted (Standing, Bending over Chair, Desk etc):
State of dress (Over Trousers/Skirt, panties, bare etc):
Privacy (In private, In front of Class, With another teacher etc):

About the school
Name of School:

Were you ever punished again for the same offence?:
Do you consider the punishment effective?:

Any other relevant info:

Many thanks for your participation. I will reply to this post myself with the details of the CP I received.

Note: I see no reason why schools should not be named as they were operating completely within the law.

Hello Jimmy,

Welcome to the forum and many thanks for your post. I was interested that the boys were slippered before the two girls. I wonder whether that was a psychological ploy to make the girls even more scared but also wondering whether they were going to be let off at the last minute. If so, it was a bit cruel to dash their hopes!

You said:

If anyone is interested I will continue with secondary school experiences at a later date.

Yes, I would be very interested to hear about your later CP experiences. I’m sure others on the forum would as well!



Dec 09, 2015#458

Corporal punishment survey

Hi, I don’t know if this forum can help, but I’m trying to put together some realistic data regarding the use of corporal punishment in schools.

Reading this and other internet sources of information it is clearly very hard to distinguish between genuine accounts of CP, peoples fantasies, and role play.

School punishment books are difficult to find, or access. When they are available they only show the information that the establishments wished to disclose. They also only reflect official punishments, generally administered by the Head, consequentially they are not very representative of the general use of CP within schools.

If I study references in the media, the reports are generally only written when the incident was questionably outside the law. In England where I live, and indeed went to school, corporal punishment was legally practiced up until 1986. Therefore there would be no reason for the media to cover anything except the unusual.

Many of us however have witnessed (often first hand) the use of corporal punishment at school. If you have (as indeed have I) I’d be very grateful if you’d reply to this post giving as much accurate information as you feel comfortable with. However to keep this thread out of the realm of fantasy, I’d ask that you only post facts, and leave the creative writing and long discussions to other forums.

The information I’d love you to provide is the following:

About You:
Approximate age when punished:
Approximate year of punishment:
Crime committed or alleged:

About the punishment
Administered by Head, or Staff member:
Gender of staff member:
Location punished (Classroom, Office, Hallway etc):
Type of punishment (Cane,Slipper,Paddle etc):
Number of strokes:
Applied to (Hand, Bottom, Legs etc):
Position adopted (Standing, Bending over Chair, Desk etc):
State of dress (Over Trousers/Skirt, panties, bare etc):
Privacy (In private, In front of Class, With another teacher etc):

About the school
Name of School:

Were you ever punished again for the same offence?:
Do you consider the punishment effective?:

Any other relevant info:

Many thanks for your participation. I will reply to this post myself with the details of the CP I received.

Note: I see no reason why schools should not be named as they were operating completely within the law.

Went to school in England, and yes, I had it. I was well behaved so I did not get punished in most classes. But I was awkward in gym and cross country running, so I made trouble then. The gym teachers of course had the most access to our bare butts, so I got a few doses of teh paddle over my shorts. I don’t really remember what that felt like. then the cane in the gym teacher’s office which hurt, and of course it was either with shorts down, or even worse you were called in while standing in line for the shower buck naked. Then you came out with the cane marks showing and had to go straight into the hot shower which stung. I don’t think it ever left welts though so it was certainly not as severe as when dished out by a girl friend later on as part of foreplay.
Eventually I graduated to the gym teacher’s most serious vengeance. Ordered to the front of the gym for sabotaging some contest or team games, and I and the two others responsible were ordered to step out of your shorts, bend over, touch your toes, and then 20 strokes of the carpet beater. I went first since I was sort of the instigator, when he was done I reached for my shorts and was told NO stand right there till it is all finished. I remember being so shocked that they would do it in front of everyone taht the pain didn’t really register. Its not that we weren’t used to being naked in front of our classmates, just the caning was so humiliating


Dec 12, 2015#459

Corporal punishment survey

Hi, I don’t know if this forum can help, but I’m trying to put together some realistic data regarding the use of corporal punishment in schools.

Reading this and other internet sources of information it is clearly very hard to distinguish between genuine accounts of CP, peoples fantasies, and role play.

School punishment books are difficult to find, or access. When they are available they only show the information that the establishments wished to disclose. They also only reflect official punishments, generally administered by the Head, consequentially they are not very representative of the general use of CP within schools.

If I study references in the media, the reports are generally only written when the incident was questionably outside the law. In England where I live, and indeed went to school, corporal punishment was legally practiced up until 1986. Therefore there would be no reason for the media to cover anything except the unusual.

Many of us however have witnessed (often first hand) the use of corporal punishment at school. If you have (as indeed have I) I’d be very grateful if you’d reply to this post giving as much accurate information as you feel comfortable with. However to keep this thread out of the realm of fantasy, I’d ask that you only post facts, and leave the creative writing and long discussions to other forums.

The information I’d love you to provide is the following:

About You:
Approximate age when punished:
Approximate year of punishment:
Crime committed or alleged:

About the punishment
Administered by Head, or Staff member:
Gender of staff member:
Location punished (Classroom, Office, Hallway etc):
Type of punishment (Cane,Slipper,Paddle etc):
Number of strokes:
Applied to (Hand, Bottom, Legs etc):
Position adopted (Standing, Bending over Chair, Desk etc):
State of dress (Over Trousers/Skirt, panties, bare etc):
Privacy (In private, In front of Class, With another teacher etc):

About the school
Name of School:

Were you ever punished again for the same offence?:
Do you consider the punishment effective?:

Any other relevant info:

Many thanks for your participation. I will reply to this post myself with the details of the CP I received.

Note: I see no reason why schools should not be named as they were operating completely within the law.

Gender: Female.
Approximate age when punished: 19
Approximate year of punishment: 2015
Crime committed or alleged: Late to school and forgot homework
About the punishment
Administered by Head, or Staff member: Mr Bannerji(principal)
Gender of staff member: Male
Location punished (Classroom, Office, Hallway etc): Hallway
Type of punishment (Cane,Slipper,Paddle etc): Cane
Number of strokes: 15
Applied to (Hand, Bottom, Legs etc): Bottom.
Position adopted (Standing, Bending over Chair, Desk etc):Bent over touching toes
State of dress (Over Trousers/Skirt, panties, bare etc): Skirt
Privacy (In private, In front of Class, With another teacher etc): Hallway so passing by people could see

About the school
Name of School: Government high school Bankura
Town: Bankura
Country: India

Were you ever punished again for the same offence?: yes
Do you consider the punishment effective?: Yes

Dec 13, 2015#460

Corporal punishment survey

Hi, I don’t know if this forum can help, but I’m trying to put together some realistic data regarding the use of corporal punishment in schools.

Reading this and other internet sources of information it is clearly very hard to distinguish between genuine accounts of CP, peoples fantasies, and role play.

School punishment books are difficult to find, or access. When they are available they only show the information that the establishments wished to disclose. They also only reflect official punishments, generally administered by the Head, consequentially they are not very representative of the general use of CP within schools.

If I study references in the media, the reports are generally only written when the incident was questionably outside the law. In England where I live, and indeed went to school, corporal punishment was legally practiced up until 1986. Therefore there would be no reason for the media to cover anything except the unusual.

Many of us however have witnessed (often first hand) the use of corporal punishment at school. If you have (as indeed have I) I’d be very grateful if you’d reply to this post giving as much accurate information as you feel comfortable with. However to keep this thread out of the realm of fantasy, I’d ask that you only post facts, and leave the creative writing and long discussions to other forums.

The information I’d love you to provide is the following:

About You:
Approximate age when punished:
Approximate year of punishment:
Crime committed or alleged:

About the punishment
Administered by Head, or Staff member:
Gender of staff member:
Location punished (Classroom, Office, Hallway etc):
Type of punishment (Cane,Slipper,Paddle etc):
Number of strokes:
Applied to (Hand, Bottom, Legs etc):
Position adopted (Standing, Bending over Chair, Desk etc):
State of dress (Over Trousers/Skirt, panties, bare etc):
Privacy (In private, In front of Class, With another teacher etc):

About the school
Name of School:

Were you ever punished again for the same offence?:
Do you consider the punishment effective?:

Any other relevant info:

Many thanks for your participation. I will reply to this post myself with the details of the CP I received.

Note: I see no reason why schools should not be named as they were operating completely within the law.

Approximate age when punished:15
Approximate year of punishment:1992
Crime committed or alleged:balk talk very hard

About the punishment

Administered by Head, or Staff member:head
Gender of staff member:man
Location punished (Classroom, Office, Hallway etc):office
Type of punishment (Cane,Slipper,Paddle etc):hand
Number of strokes:10mn = 500 slaps
Applied to (Hand, Bottom, Legs etc):bottom
Position adopted (Standing, Bending over Chair, Desk etc):bending over the knee
State of dress (Over Trousers/Skirt, panties, bare etc):bare bottom
Privacy (In private, In front of Class, With another teacher etc):no one else

About the school
Name of School:Catholic institution
Town:near Paris

Were you ever punished again for the same offence?:yes
Do you consider the punishment effective?:yes

It was exception, corporal punishment were formally abolished in school in 1992, but some prefect have keep these form of punisment for severe offence

Any other relevant info:

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