It wasn’t a sexual thing with him. He was a bully, a control freak, and took pleasure in imposing his will on his boys, so making the boy stand naked before punishment showed how strong he was. Weird I know, but that is how I think his mind worked. I would also add that I hated him with a passion that sometimes frightened me. That hatred did not do me any good at all, and he beat me hard and often.
negasman so did you let your hatred towards him bubble over far as he was concerned if he was a bully as you suggest he is scum in my book using his power to manipulate people and put them down
Negasman, what sort of school did you attend? Was it a traditional boarding school either a prep or senior school or was it some sort of approved school. There seems some similarities with what went on at Court Lees.
bripkuk court lees what is that
It was to all intents and purposes a conventional boarding school, taking new boys at 11 and at common entrance. But it wasn’t terribly academic and there was a huge emphasis on physical activities of one kind or another. I rather think that in the 1940s it took a lot of boys with behavioural problems, and discipline was very traditional with the cane very much in evidence. Much later, in the 1960s it became co-ed and I think changed completely. Certainly at that time, corporal punishment was abolished completely. When I was there prefects still had caning rights and used them freely – after lights out the dormitories were theirs to rule. Even in my time things were changing, such that prefect caning was abolished when I was in the lower sixth and public caning went the same way soon after.
I’m afraid I was not very good at concealing my hatred for my Housemaster, and he knew it. I remember him telling Father that I had a resistance to authority but not to worry – he had the matter in hand and I would turn out right in the end. That was his way of saying that at the least sign of insubordination he would have me in his study for yet another bare caning. But he was right, I did turn out right in the end because I learned to take his punishments and instead of becoming subservient I grew stronger. In my Mentor I had an ally and he was the rock I could always turn to.
I’m afraid I was not very good at concealing my hatred for my Housemaster, and he knew it. I remember him telling Father that I had a resistance to authority but not to worry – he had the matter in hand and I would turn out right in the end. That was his way of saying that at the least sign of insubordination he would have me in his study for yet another bare caning. But he was right, I did turn out right in the end because I learned to take his punishments and instead of becoming subservient I grew stronger. In my Mentor I had an ally and he was the rock I could always turn to.
Court-Lees was an approved school that in the mid 1960’s that was subjected to adverse publicity by mainly left wing journals eg the Guardian for excessive use of corporal punishment applied to the bottoms of naughty boys. An example was given of a boy who managed to escape and was brought back that evening to face retribution in the form of a good thrashing on his backside. He was offered the option of taking it there and then or the following morning. I’m not sure what he opted for. Photographs were published showing wheals on the bottoms of miscreants which caused outcry and caused the government of the time to ban cp in those institutions and ultimately to bring to an end the approved school system. For further information I suggest a look at Corpun.
Yes I remember all the fuss about a whealed bottom. Given that corporal punishment was perfectly legal at the time, I did wonder what those bleeding heart liberals expected a boy’s bottom to look like after it had been well caned. Perhaps they imagined a little pinkness here and there but no more. The reality obviously came as a considerable surprise to them, but to those of us who had been to caning schools, none whatever.
I should add a note about my mentor, who in other schools would have been called my tutor. He was a young Oxford graduate with around five years’ teaching experience when I was assigned to him aged thirteen. He was a classicist, teaching Latin and Greek in the sixth form, and a formidable squash player. I met him frequently and always alone – we would sit drinking cocoa in front of a log fire and gradually I fell under his spell – telling him ll there was to tell about my successes, failures, hopes and fears – I think he knew me better than I knew myself. Our meetings were usually after evening prep, and I usually went dressed in pjs, dressing gown and slippers so I could slip into my dormitory after lights out without disturbing anyone. He was a mentor in the true classical sense, having responsibilities not only for my social development but also my behaviour. If there was a complaint about the way I had spoken to or behaved towards a member of staff or their wives, it was his duty to discipline me as and how he saw fit. We would sit discussing my latest outburst in a calm, rational way, and having listened to my side of it too, he would decide what had to be done. Sometimes, for a minor indiscretion, he would send me to apologise, but for a more serious act of rudeness he would tell me that I would have to be beaten before going to offer my apologies. It didn’t happen often, but some people seemed to bring out the worst in me and my tongue just ran away with me. The ritual was always the same. He would tell me to undress and put myself over the arm of his Chesterfield sofa, and I would hear his cupboard open and close as he fetched his rattan cane. Then the sound of his gown and jacket being removed. He would tell me how much he regretted doing this, and then he caned me. As a thirteen year old it was usually six strokes but as I got older, more. Then, as I slowly stood up with my bare bottom on fire, he would take me back to the fireside to recover. Being caned by my mentor was a totally different experience from my housemaster’s punishment. I took Housemaster’s caning as an act of defiance – he could humiliate and hurt my body but inside I remained unscathed. With my Mentor I accepted my punishment as just and necessary, and the simple act of undressing and putting myself in position for the cane was an act of atonement and complete submission to his authority. I accepted the agony of the cane strokes knowing that he thrashed me with genuine regret and often there were tears in his eyes as well as mine. On the occasions that he told me that I must be punished in the presence of the master I had been rude to – I accepted that too. Not just because i had to but because I wanted to purge his disappointment in me and taking the cane was the best way to do that.
LurkerSix likes this post
when do we hear about the buggery, because this definitely sounds like the beginning of a gay s&m novel
kevinont likes this post
No, nothing like that. Sorry if it read like that – I was just trying to explain the difference between one and the other.