Corporal punishment survey 96

Apr 28, 2020#951

Hello john_smage,

Your latest post with the detail regarding the duties of the Captains of Parishes is most interesting.   When you mention ‘the anti-birching group’ are you indicating that this was an organisation of Manx citizens please?  If so I would have thought that, as six of the best notes, it would have been considered highly disrespectful to modify the triskeles at all, let alone by adding the three arms and the birches!  Incidentally I don’t think that is three birches held by each arm as bripuk suggested, but a single birch in each hand reminiscent of the formidable hazel rod birches (type 1  in your contribution #935?) used for older offenders in later years.

Several excellent pictures illustrating that type of birch are found on the Magnum Photos site here.  Unfortunately it is necessary to click the thumbnails and then click yet another thumbnail to see the full size pictures.  The photographs mainly show police officers holding the birch, but in one case Mrs Peggy Irving, who seems to have been a leading pro-birching campaigner at the time of the 1970s European Court of Human Rights case is seen cradling what may or may not be a genuine judicial birch in her garden.

Mrs Irving, together with the birch, is seen disporting with other presumably pro-birching ladies in a video clip entitled ‘a short sharp shock’ on the BBC website here.  In my experience at least this video is best started by clicking the ‘play’ button on the video thumbnail on the page I’ve linked.  I originally came across it via a link direct to the video page but, at least with my favoured browser, I could discover no way to make the video actually play on that page.  In the video the ladies give a demonstration of birching.  I suspect that it may not be completely authentic!  

Somewhere I came across speculation that females were sometimes present at birchings in the person of female doctors.  Mrs Irving gives the impression that she’d very much like to have been present as the person wielding the birch!  Regardless of who was present, being bent over with your bottom bared while a muscular policeman belaboured it with one of those hazel rod birches would definitely not have been a fun experience.

There is already much on birching in this Forum.  A thread with some interesting photographs started by contributor MadSpank is to be found here.

Apr 28, 2020#952

Reference 951
Hello Al,    Yes the Anti and Pro birching groups were made up of Manx Citizens and at this time when the debate was going on it was about 50/50% of the adult population   When the Capt. of the parish called a meeting it was to packed houses and often ended up in a slanging match at at times the local policeman had to calm things down often The Capt. called a halt to the meeting for 30 mins for tempers to calm and the Ladies of the WVS to serve tea ( I jest not)  Mostly one or more MHK’s attended the meet and they would IF they could get a word in  Give the Governments official point view  also MHKs not in government would be asked to come as well to give their point of view,  At the end of the meeting a vote was called to give the parish’s point of View on the subject of birching to take back to Tynwald.    One point if any of the 12 voters who requested the meeting  (unless they had a medical certificate) did not turn up they would be sent a bill for pro rata the cost of of the meeting Hall.
NB. side note =  Women had the vote on the Isle of Man long before the UK let them have the vote .     Boys and girls of 16 (SIXTEEN) can vote in local and national  IoM elections.    Historic Note  Captain Bligh  was the Customs officer in Douglas before HMS Bounty he was friends with Fletcher Christian  and Thomas Hayward age 11 at that time..   William Christian joined the American Revolution Forces in 1775/6.  The IOM brought out postage stamps for the Bounty and  in memory of William Christian , Must close now will ans the rest of _951 when I can.     John Smage

Apr 28, 2020#953

Reference +952   Part Two.
it would have been considered highly disrespectful to modify the triskeles at all, let alone by adding the three arms and the birches!
In Those days no one cared much about that,   Much more interested in the Manx  Peoples Liberation Army

Ref::  Fo Halloo (Manx: “Underground“) was a militant Manx nationalist group active on the Isle of Man in the 1970s. The group conducted Manx graffiti and poster campaigns, published and distributed newsletters, and was also accused of conducting a number of arson attacks against the homes of English, non-Manx residents.

When the police got wind of were they were they would go and TRY and catch them in the act!   One problem they would put on blues and two’ s full blast it was better than Blackpool illuminations and of course when the police arrived Fo Halloo had gone  it published its own Underground newspaper which was widely read at the time as it published scandals on MHK’s the Police Force most were true at that time.

Apr 28, 2020#954

Reference 951.      Subject The Birch … f-man.html … -boy-order … story.html
Scroll Down to Birch Battle … -pictures/
———————————————————————————————————————– … emster.pdf
———————————————————————————————————————- … 43016.html
When was the birch abolished in the Isle of Man?

[The last birching on the Isle of Man took place in 1976 but the law was not formally repealed until 1993.]Nov 22, 2011

In reference of children boys and girls being sentenced  to be slippered, caned  by the Youth Court /Children’s panel/ those records are /were SEALED by the court and not to be opened for about 200 years and placed in a secure secret location with other secret gov. papers /documents which is covered by the Isle of Man and UK gov. official secrets act of 1949 might have been updated since then

six of the best


Apr 28, 2020#955

Well we have certainly learnt more about the Isle of Man in last few days. I think we are all clear now that the publication was not one from the Manx government. Most official documents concerning judicial or school CP didn’t generally go into that much detail. I was surprised to read of mention of girls being sentenced by Manx courts to a slippering. Whether this was ever carried out we aren’t informed.
I remember the case of the four Liverpool lads who were birched in 1965. I was still in the upper sixth form then. The report certainly suggested that a Manx birching was very different a senior boys school six of the best in the mainland UK of that era.
We are told that 50% of the Manx adult population thoroughly approved of courts ‘awarding’ birchings, canings and even slipperings for girls. That leads me to believe that IOM schools probably used SCP quite often back then too.
With all this judicial and school CP I do wonder if Manx parents used similar methods to their own youngsters at home back then. We are talking of over 50 years ago now. Almost another world back then!

Apr 28, 2020#956

Reference   951
Somewhere I came across speculation that females were sometimes present at birching in the person of female doctors.  Mrs Irving gives the impression that she’d very much like to have been present as the person wielding the birch!
First AL women on the Isle of Man had the vote in elections long before the UK
Slave’s were abolished on the Isle of Man long before the UK.

I believe you are correct AL  women doctors with and a SRN could be present and were at the birching on the IOM ,   It was more likely they would be present of the punishment or younger children say from 10-12/13 Quite often  the doctor would refuse permission on medical grounds for a child to be caned .     Who could be present  It was somehow like this  The boy’s parents , The male/female doctor perhaps with a SRN as well an independent male or female witness, and a Lawyer as well as the policeman doing the birching /canning etc.
Hope you find the info interesting  A/L

Apr 29, 2020#957

REFERENCE 955  (Six of The Best)
I do wonder if Manx parents used similar methods to their own youngsters at home back then.
As far as I know Manx parents would NOT dare use a birch on a child at home I do not think they could get one then.  some parents had a bamboo cane .  most junior school children would not tell their parents if they had been spanked or slippered or caned at school as they might or often get the same at home , same for secondary school children.
Say a junior school boy/girl had 25 or 50 lines to write for the weekend  depending on age of boy and girl , Quite often the parents would double them.  Quite often a junior school child if naughty at home would ask to be spanked than kept in  /grounded I guess it depended on the weather.

Apr 29, 2020#958

Hello john_smage,

Thank you.  A vast amount of useful links, some of them new to me.  I certainly do think that not all judicial CP on the Isle of Man was carried out strictly in accordance with the various rules and regulations governing it at different times.  The practice of taking those convicted and sentenced to the birch straight from dock to birching room is an instance, mentioned in various places and confirmed by a policeman who actually wielded the birch in the interview document you link.  An appeal against the sentence of the birch was allowed, but presumably it wasn’t anyone’s responsibility to check that the offender knew this.  The offender’s right in some cases to have a parent present during their birching seems to have had very similar loopholes

The UK official secrets act is certainly a very formidable thing.  In fact strictly those who’ve signed it aren’t allowed to tell you that, and as for me telling you what I’m not allowed to tell you about, let alone about the thing itself ……………..  But I am surprised that details of canings and slipperings should be sealed for 200 years under the official secrets act whereas details of birchings seem to be accessible to those with the patience and necessary contacts.  However, as many say in a variety of locations, the Isle of Man is a peculiar place and it’s not what you know but who you know that counts.

Apr 29, 2020#959

Ref. 958.
Yes I agree with you,  well of course what was supposed to happen and what did happen  was two different things as you say , lots of loopholes But it was different times then,  no large numbers of reporters and tv reporters as it is now.   In court cases the late Mona Douglas or the late Sidney Boulton were the only reporters at a court case and often no reporters at all. They were only two papers then the Courier based in Water St. Ramsey and the Examiner based in Douglas.  And they relied on
Gov. adverts etc so they would be reluctant print stories against the police or the goverment then.

In Youth Court cases most or all of them were held in camera with no reporters allowed as far as I know
As far as I know to consisted then of three magistrates ,  the shorthand record keeper,  a police officer who acted as lawyer for the police at the Rank of Sargent  a defence lawyer mostly one appointed by the court to defend the the young person.  The young person’s parents were summoned to attend as well, for a mega series case a jury of seven persons could be sworn in and could make recommendations to the court.
Cases of children under 14 or 15, court  proceedings  could not NOT be reported and not all cases resulted in the slipper or cane a few were found not guilty and other sorts of punishments given,  One boy I knew (no names) who hoaxed the Lifeboat was sentenced to do work at the Lifeboat station every Saturday for a few months as he was age 11 he was rescued from that by a local scout leader to took him in the scout group the Lifeboat people and the head of the Y/C were only two pleased to grant permission.  since he was still at Albert road School he did get the slipper at school for hoaxing the lifeboat, his mum said he should get the slipper as well.  He never as far as I know got into trouble again.

As I said before as far as I know child Y/C cases were SEALED by the court not to be opened for about 200 years I think the USA has a similar thing for children as well.

Apr 30, 2020#960

Ref. 929
Did you have any female teachers at Junior School please, or indeed at the RGS (though I assume the latter was a boys’ school)?   If so did they display the same innovation and ingenuity in the delivery of SCP as Mr Hislop and Mr Kissack?  Although there are accounts here of such female teachers they are relatively infrequent and as this is one of my special interest areas I am always eager to hear more.
We had two female teachers MISS Swindlehurst and MISS Radcliffe  who mostly taught third form along with a Mr. Terry .
Miss Swindlehurst was firm but firm and nice what she did if a boy/s was naughty /misbehaved in class  she would tell him/them to go to Mr Hislop to get the slipper being 3rd form age 10 approx. that would mean three strokes of the slipper that would sting. at play time as it was called then . When that time came she would get a coin out and ask the boys who were to be slippered  to choose heads or tails. If they chose correctly she would say punishment cancelled,   If incorrectly and the boy/s  were about to leave the classroom to go and be slippered she would say most times punishment cancelled, much to the relief of the boys concerned. with girls who had been naughty she would have the girl touch their toes and raise the slipper up at the end  of the lesson most times the bell would go and she would tell the girl to stand up punishment cancelled saved by the bell.  but if the bell was late then the slipper came down on the girls bottom with a loud whop.  When she was on playground duty she hardly sent any boy to get the slipper.

Miss Radcliffe was totally different  Will tell you about her if you want AL next time
John Smage