In the British Press 2014-20191



May 23, 2016#111

“Harlow Star” “Paul Wilson”

Poor EAL,

I thought you had flipped your lid and started hallucinating. But, fortunately(?) it is just the rest of the world, or perhaps only St Monica’s Catholic Primary School in Milton Keynes, that has. … n-5898298/

In recent times I have had the pleasure of meeting some very remarkable children doing extraordinary things with their parents. These kids are highly resilient and resourceful. They could very easily cope with whistle blasts and much more challenging things. Small challenges prepare us for larger challenges and make life rewarding and fun.

May 23, 2016#112

“Harlow Star” “Paul Wilson”

<div style=”width:100%;background-image:url(“/realm/A_L_123/A_L_trg.gif”);”>Hello KK,

I am deeply disappointed at your link. I had almost managed to convince myself that, preoccupied with a computer matter, I had actually imagined hearing about the whistle ban.

What can one say about such a ridiculous instruction? Very little, and certainly nothing suitable for publication in a family Forum such as this!

Happily like you I encounter many youngsters who give little sign of being frightened of whistles, or indeed of anything else. Children who can glide over overhanging climbs with a great deal of air between them and the ground. Children who delight in and thrive on competition in running, jumping and other athletic endeavours.

I fear for the youngsters at the whistle ban school who, overly protected and cosseted by solicitous school staff, may find themselves unable to cope with the vicissitudes of adult life and at a competitive disadvantage when pitted against those who have enjoyed the advantages of a more sensibly managed childhood.</div>



May 24, 2016#113

“Harlow Star” “Paul Wilson”


Are we the only sane people in the World?

Am I alone in believing that we should study the successful with a view to emulating them?

Is anyone else bothered by the plague of vocal fry?

May 24, 2016#114

“Harlow Star” “Paul Wilson”

<div style=”width:100%;background-image:url(“/realm/A_L_123/A_L_trg.gif”);”>Hello KK,

In response to your queries:<ol>[*]Possibly.

</li>[*]Certainly not, I think so too!

</li>[*]Well it doesn’t bother me, but you don’t get much of it in the circles I move in, and I avoid like the plague any exposure to so-called ‘entertainment’ or the popular media.</li>[/list]</div>



May 29, 2016#115

“Harlow Star” “Paul Wilson”

In today’s Sunday Mail Rachel Johnson, sister of Boris, writes about smacking.

Excerpt –

Lastly, when I was the first girl at an all-boys prep school, I was caught out of bed raiding a tuck cupboard and was given a choice of penalty: it was either a beating by the headmaster (his favoured implements were the slipper, cricket bat, or golf club) or not seeing my parents at the weekend.

I hadn’t seen my parents all term, as was usual back then. I missed them terribly, and without hesitation I opted for the beating.

The headmaster then, to my disappointment, decided that he couldn’t hit a girl; and if he couldn’t beat a girl then it was unfair to beat the boys, too, so I like to think that my choice indirectly led to the end of corporal punishment at the school. (As a result, my name now unfortunately appears on a niche website that lists ‘celebrities’ who enjoy chastisement. It proclaims: ‘Rachel Johnson: she chose the slipper!’) I would like to take this opportunity to confess I have no interest in naughty spanking, but I have smacked, on a few rare and exceptional occasions, my own children.

May 31, 2016#116

“Harlow Star” “Paul Wilson”

British Censorship.

UK Porn Laws allows mild corporal punishment and spanking when no lasting marks occur. The scholastic cane not have been employed in so many years yet has held its interests. I guess that’s why they call it the British Vice.


Sex workers did not let their displeasure be known more than a year ago to protest what they considered draconian laws against pornography.
In Manchester’s Centre’s Sackville Park there was a “Spankathon”







You call that a spanking?




Leave it to the Danes. Den rige enke 1962. Who could forget the dreaded Danish carpet beater from this oldie? Now that’s a spanking!




Jun 04, 2016#117

“Harlow Star” “Paul Wilson”

All papers.

Kay Hollingsworth. Essex. 11-year-old boy.

Jun 17, 2016#118

“Harlow Star” “Paul Wilson”

All papers.

The alleged Paedo Pan of Pop is NOT a Paedo Pan of Pop and will continue to revive his flagging career as the Peter Pan of Pap.

Jul 28, 2016#119

“Harlow Star” “Paul Wilson”

I believe there are a few, a very few, knicker fetishists who visit this Forum. This then, is just for them and only them.

“Daily Echo” “What does your underwear say about you?”

Aug 10, 2016#120

“Harlow Star” “Paul Wilson”

Interviewed for the ‘Radio Times’, Andrew “Brillo Pad” Neil says:

“She [his wife] is the most accommodating person in the world, and when I start beavering way on the iPad, she gets out her laptop.”

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