Any way regarding the school I attended on your list 2 girls were at this particular school when I was there. Both their names were very popular at the time and there was 4 girls in my class who shared those names.As for the male teachers who administered their punishment i.m pretty sure that I would have been whacked by them as I can recall 8 -10 masters who tanned my backside when I was at school
I, Researcher279139
Currently I have found no reference to the cane or slipper being used at Culcheth Hall. The only reference to SCP I have found so far is an undated slap across a leg by a female teacher. Of course, just because I’ve not found a caning account/reference doesn’t mean it did not happen.
six of the best1,163109
A private school for girls aged up to 16, it seems to have been a happy school very highly regarded by parents, though not highly enough to keep role numbers sufficient for profitability, and it closed in 2011 after a 120 year history despite recent excellent inspection reports and organised efforts by parents to keep it open. At one time it was apparently much favoured by premier league footballers, several of whom have resided in the area, to educate their daughters.