The earliest mention of the school paddle in the USA 41



Apr 02, 2013#401

The paddle seems to be very much the preferred implement in USA schools. When did it first come into widespread use? I am particularly interested in early mentions of the school paddle in dated factual or fictional literature, and in official documents.

Have other cultures used the paddle in schools?

I have suggested that the Munchie school district might have been the first to specify the paddle for school use. However there is no mention of paddles in the first issues of the Indiana School Journal.
THE INDIANA TEACHER. Vol. 1. JANUARY, 1869. No. 1. … %3Bseq=280

PUNISHMENT IN SCHOOLBY W. B. FLICK. Paper read before the Marion County Teachers’ Association,

[ Concluded.] See page 255 for part 1


The instrument in preference is a rod or whip. This is
the only one that is not objectionable in itself. Other
means, such as violent jerking, pulling the hair, thumping
upon, or knocking heads together, slaps or blows with the
hand, fist or ruler, all, more or less, retard the proper
functions of the organs of the body, are injurious to the
health, and have a degrading influence on all concerned.
They are barbarous, brutal and unchristian, and should
be left to the miserable miscreants of the Prize Ring.


In answering this, we would say that the teacher
should not attempt to administer punishment when in
anger or when excited, but his looks and manners should
be such as to convince the pupil that his vjelfare is the
object sought, and not revenge, or gratification of passion.
If there is any feeling of revenge or hatred in the breast of
the teacher it will be very apt to arouse the like feeling
in the pupil. The teacher should, therefore, feel a love
for the pupil and a desire for his reformation.


If the vice is one of a private nature, concerning the
individual himself more particularly, and a reformation
from such vice is the main object, then a private chastise-
ment would probably be more effectual.

But if the ofiense is of a public character and example
necessary, or in cases where it is necessary to vindicate
the law and show the power of authority, under such and
similar circumstances, a public chastisement may be pre-
ferable. The teacher will have to exercise his ow7i]\x^g-
ment in this case and determine for himself according to
the circumstances. This he should do carefully.


We would say on the back, shoulders and lower ex-
tremities, as these parts are less liable to receive injury
from blows than other parts. This is self-evident to any
one having a knowledge of Anatomy and Physiology and
it needs no argument. The same knowledge should deter
the teacher from striking the pupil on the head, hands
or about the face.


This has to do with the mechanical part of the operation
and has reference to the frequency, number and severity
of the blows.

This is a portion of the subject which we are led, by
observation, to believe is seldom studied or carefully
investigated by the great mass of teachers. It is very
important, however, and deserves careful investigation.
It is probably of as great imi^ortance as a knowledge of
the elementary branches, and a mistake made here may
be of far more consequence than one in grammar or
geography. The strokes should be regular and timed
by the watch or clock a half minute or more between
the strokes. There will be system about this, and it will
give the pupil time for reflection ; the pain in full from
each stroke will be felt; the teacher will have time for
admonition a chance to observe the effect of the blows
and show that he can govern himself, which will be a
powerful auxiliary to reformation. By thus timing the
blows it will take but a small portion of the number of
strokes that otherwise would be needed to obtain the
desired effect, and it tends, in no small degree, to cool the
anger of both teacher and pupil.

One can not make whipping the business-like and sys-
tematic operation here recommended and continue to be
in anger.

The preparation the time for thought that is necessary
is oil poured on the troubled waters, and the storm raging
in the breast becomes a calm.


In determining the severity of the blows, the age and
temperament of the pupil, the nature of the disease and
the object sought, must be carefully observed.

The blows should be so severe as to give considerable
pain, but not go beneath the skin. This is cruelty and
should be avoided, but the pupil should be made to sur-
render “unconditionally” to the powers that be, and to
respect law and order his reformation should be accom-
plished entirely and unconditionally.
If this is secured, in but one instance, a great work has
been accomplished, the result of which will be all worthy
the work bestowed. In conclusion, “Remember if we can
rule by love, we should do so by all means, but if this fails
we should bring to our aid all the means which God has
given us, not inconsistent with His Will, to repress sin.”
Let each look at the subject for himself, and not be
deterred from doing his duty by any “false philosophy or
shallow-brained philanthropy.”

Page 403-

Until the last lingering shadow of old errors has passed
away, we find men who cling to them as though the hope
of the world depended on their existence. Illustrations
of this fact are too patent to the commonest minds to
require even a passing notice.

In this paper I propose to notice only one such error,
which has come down to us from darker ages. I allude
to corporal punishment in schools.


I am very glad Mr Flick was not my teacher.

Apr 03, 2013#402

The paddle seems to be very much the preferred implement in USA schools. When did it first come into widespread use? I am particularly interested in early mentions of the school paddle in dated factual or fictional literature, and in official documents.

Have other cultures used the paddle in schools? … =%3Bseq=30
Twenty-Seventh Annual Report

Indiana Reform School for Boys Located at Plainfield, Indiana. Fiscal Year Ending October 31, 1893


The above card, which is returned to the officer, has the following printed cautions to officers:

1. Never use a strap, unless one supplied by the Superintendent.

2. Punish below waistband, and without anger.

3. All punishment must be inflicted in the family.

4. No punishment must ever be inflicted before a permit is granted, and none must ever exceed the limit of the permit.

5. Every boy has the right to appeal to the Superintendent. In every case, if he so desires, he must be allowed to see the Superintendent before being punished.

6. No punishment must be postponed, unless by special permit of the Superintendent.

7. No other corporal punishment, except the one contemplated in this permit, is allowed in this School.

When an officer punishes a boy unduly, the officer is at once discharged. To properly control punishment, requires great vigilance. I allow boys free access to the Superintendent to report any cases of mistreatment, a privilege they are ever ready to embrace.

Apr 03, 2013#403

The paddle seems to be very much the preferred implement in USA schools. When did it first come into widespread use? I am particularly interested in early mentions of the school paddle in dated factual or fictional literature, and in official documents.

Have other cultures used the paddle in schools?

Not for the squeamish!


Apr 03, 2013#404

The paddle seems to be very much the preferred implement in USA schools. When did it first come into widespread use? I am particularly interested in early mentions of the school paddle in dated factual or fictional literature, and in official documents.

Have other cultures used the paddle in schools?


A fascinating if stomach churning account. But there has never been consistency or agreement over the conditions and experiences in US State reform schools.

Rake for example the infamous ‘Red Wing’ in Minnesota. On the one hand a brutal reputation reinforced by the protest song, written apparently on the accounts of two ex inmates by Bob Dylan, . Compare that with the public attempt to portray the institution as ‘reformative’ in th official account – you choose.

But of course even in the UK the prison service argued the approved school/borstal system worked, but the authorities were consistently challenged by unauthorised accounts which led to productions like the film ‘scum’ … -red-wing/

Perhaps the truth lies between the two, or maybe the only question is ‘who is master and that is all’



Apr 05, 2013#405

The paddle seems to be very much the preferred implement in USA schools. When did it first come into widespread use? I am particularly interested in early mentions of the school paddle in dated factual or fictional literature, and in official documents.

Have other cultures used the paddle in schools?

Muncie school district may have been among the first to adopt the paddle. The history of the school district (without mention of the paddle) is described here:

A twentieth century history of Delaware County, Indiana By General William Harrison Kemper

Muncie Schools, Pages 259-

It seems that Delaware county voters were initially reluctant to fund schools until about the time when Civil War soldier Hamilton S McRae was elected Superintendent of the Muncie Schools in 1867, aged about 34. The paddle may have been adopted during his reign, possibly at the insistence of taxpayers and parents who did not want pupils either expelled or subject to harsh traditional SCP.

Apr 05, 2013#406

The paddle seems to be very much the preferred implement in USA schools. When did it first come into widespread use? I am particularly interested in early mentions of the school paddle in dated factual or fictional literature, and in official documents.

Have other cultures used the paddle in schools?

The Hoosier Schoolmaster: A Story of Backwoods Life in Indiana is an 1871 novel by the American author Edward Eggleston. The novel originated from a series of stories written for Hearth and Home, a periodical edited by Eggleston, and was based on the experiences of his brother, George Cary Eggleston, who had been a schoolteacher in Indiana. The novel is noted for its realistic depictions of 19th-century American rural life and for its use of local dialect. (Wikipedia)

Chapter 3 excerpt:

As for Henry Banta, he was too much bothered to get the answer to a “sum” he was doing, to remember anything about his trap. In fact, he had quite forgotten that half an hour ago in the all-absorbing employment of drawing ugly pictures on his slate and coaxing Betsey Short to giggle by showing them slyly across the school-room. Once or twice Ralph had been attracted to Betsey’s extraordinary fits of giggling, and had come so near to catching Hank that the boy thought it best not to run any further risk of the beech switches, four or five feet long, laid up behind the master in sight of the school as a prophylactic. Hence his application just now to his “sum” in long division, and hence his puzzled look, for, idler that he was, his “sums” did not solve themselves easily. As usual in such cases, he came up in front of the master’s desk to have the difficulty explained. He had to wait a minute until Ralph got through with showing Betsey Short, who had been seized with a studying fit, and who could hardly give any attention to the teacher’s explanations, she did want to giggle so much! Not at anything in particular, but just at things in general.

Apr 10, 2013#407

The paddle seems to be very much the preferred implement in USA schools. When did it first come into widespread use? I am particularly interested in early mentions of the school paddle in dated factual or fictional literature, and in official documents.

Have other cultures used the paddle in schools?

Ping Pong Biff. January 31,1904. The image might be worth sharing. Picture tells a thousand words. There are quite of few stories about educators arguing the pros and cons in New York among principals and some I have posted. The rubber hose seemed common as an instrument of correction back the. Much as the paddle didn’t leave marks at the slave auction.


The instrument of correction Ping Pong Biff intrigued me so I came up with this. Both were relatively new terms in 1901.





Apr 10, 2013#408

The paddle seems to be very much the preferred implement in USA schools. When did it first come into widespread use? I am particularly interested in early mentions of the school paddle in dated factual or fictional literature, and in official documents.

Have other cultures used the paddle in schools?

This cartoon provides some insight into CP practice and lore over 100 years ago.

Apr 11, 2013#409

The paddle seems to be very much the preferred implement in USA schools. When did it first come into widespread use? I am particularly interested in early mentions of the school paddle in dated factual or fictional literature, and in official documents.

Have other cultures used the paddle in schools?

KK thanks for putting up the image. Here is a little humor about the shingle factory in Wisconsin.

Shadows on the Horizon Shingle Mills In Wisconsin. Fourth column and fourth story down.




Apr 11, 2013#410

The paddle seems to be very much the preferred implement in USA schools. When did it first come into widespread use? I am particularly interested in early mentions of the school paddle in dated factual or fictional literature, and in official documents.

Have other cultures used the paddle in schools?

The Omaha Daily Bee (Nebraska), Tuesday 9 February 1904 … d-1/seq-6/
Shadows on the Horizon Indianapolis News

The outlook is gloomy for the American boy. With a
Brooklyn school teacher’s pronouncement in favor of
spanking with a rubber hose comes the news that all
the shingle mills in Wisconsin are starting up again.

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