Half Term Holiday Part 7

When Peter arrived home, his mother asked if he’d had a nice time. He said he had but felt weird having to tell them little lies to hide the truth. “What kind of lies?” his mother asked. “Nothing major.” he replied, “Just little things like… I mentioned going for bike rides and John asked what […]

Half Term Holiday Part 11

It’s Friday and Peter’s half term break is almost over. Over breakfast, his mother tells him that his grandmother will be visiting this afternoon. “Do I have to wear my dress… again.” he asked. “Only if you want to.” his mother says. “I’d rather not.” Peter admits. “If that’s OK?” “Of course.” his mother smiled. […]

Half Term Holiday Part 12

“I’m going to miss us having breakfast together.” Peter’s mother says as they sit opposite one another at the kitchen table. “Is there anything nice you’d like to do today… since it’s your last full day before you go back to St Ursula’s?” “Erm… I don’t know.” Peter replied. “Have you finished all your homework […]