Youre beautiful, you know, she remarked, making delicate passes along his inner thighs. Such a sweet figure¦ almost feminine, if youll pardon me. The curve of your hips and thighs is positively hourglass. See what those vicious brutes have done? But dont worry. When I have healed you, you shall be lovelier still. Irresistibly so. […]
Ellen’s Visitor Scene 132
From the moment he first saw the nursery, his heart was trying dig deep into these feelings from when I was younger seeing diaper commercials on TV and blushing, seeing large packs of disposable diapers in the grocery store and walking slower to soak in the colored packaging and designs, or getting jealous when […]
Be My Be My Be My Little AB Scene 126
Kim was aroused from his daydream by Mandy’s grating voice commanding him to stand up. The girls had finished mopping the floor and Mandy had unlatched the tray table from Kim’s high chair. Heather leaned over him and was about to unfasten the chair’s web belts when she realized that they, too, were very […]
What Happened to Ella Marsh Scene 155
Sitting in nothing but a paper gown was bad. Listening to Heather and Danielle fight was worse. All illusions of what a mother daughter bond should look like quickly dissolved before Ella’s eyes .The tension in the air was so thick she could feel it wrap around her lungs and begin to squeeze. “Why can’t […]
Who Wears the Pants Scene 213
Howard nodded dumbly, his profound embarrassment with his childish act had stilled his tongue and rendered him incapable of speech. Anita efficiently stripped his wet overalls and undies from his diminutive body, set the stopper on the tub and twisted the taps on the tub to begin filling it with warm water. The […]
Sissy Clear Out Scene 18
I grinned. “Can I get a side shot?” I asked. Peter turned side on and folded his arms. He began to look toward me so I quickly took a snap, then another as his eyes met the lens. “Cool… and the back.” I asked. He turned away from me and I took a snap. “Cool.” […]
I’ll see you tonight Scene 20
Dorothy stood and watched, Relena could see her in the mirror, could see that smile on her face that Lisa did not see. Relena sat there, passively, as the maid finished drying her hair, then freed it from the towel and began to brush it out. She braided in near her temples, and then […]
The Witches Next Door Scene 39
“It’s very cool.” He said quickly, looking around with a confused look on his face. He could have sworn he was looking at a full nursery; even the Pampers scent was gone. “I must be going crazy!” he thought to himself. “Kind of feel like you’re going crazy, huh?” the girl said to him. “What?” […]
A Tough Journey Scene 31
David sat perched on a swing and as his mother stepped outside, he noticed her. “Mummy!” he yelped before jumping to the ground and running toward her. “David my darling!” his mother gushed. They embraced. “I’ve missed you so much!” she told him, before breaking the hug and looking him up and down. “I […]
The Day’s of his Lives Scene 218
She just snorted and muttered something under her breath about men being incompetent to handle their own affairs much less take care of a baby. She said, “I’ll take care of Gina. I’ll need to borrow your study for use as a temporary nursery.” “We have a spare bedroom we aren’t using. Can’t you […]