It was a hot day like most others. Myself and my mate Richie where running around outside my place haveing a grand old time, with our water guns and our dihydroxide bombs, in our togs and Mum was inside doing, oh I don’t know Mum-stuff. When i noticed Richie slip around the farside of the house, .oO(Brillant)Oo. I though, .oO(I can cut through the house, and catch him by surprise with a bomb from the sun deck.)Oo. So running with gleeful antipation I zipped in the front door, zapped up the stairs, and was zooming towards the deck when I heard a sharttering noise from in my wake. I spun around to see what could have made such a noise, and to my not so welcomed supprise, before me was the spreading shards that was, until the happtance of a force of nature, was my mother’s prized crystal statue of a dragon rearing with it’s wings spread and daring anyone that would disturb what was placed at it’s feet, you see it was a present from my dad when my older sister, Zara was born and it had become tration to place an egg shaped birth-stone for each child born into the family, my own saphire was now spinning at my feet. To make maters worse was, standing int the hall doorway, was my own, now shocked, mother. It was in all almost enough shock for me to drop my preicious water boom still clutched in this hatchling’s claws.
After a brief second that seamed like an eturity my mother utter in the tone that only your parents can achieve, “Alexander Dougles Murry! How many times have I told you NOT to run in the house? Oh go to your room, I will deal with you shortly.”
It was frazed in such a manner that you reacted emidiatly else you knew the ‘deal’ would be even worse. I moved so fast past her, and into my room, that I could have swarn to have set a new land speed record if my feet had touched the ground.
In my room I had time for my thoughs to catch back up to me, for I surely must have mislaid them some where to have acted to stupidly. For Richie would most certianly be sent home, and it was only early in the afternoon, which would insure a long boring day, for which, it slowly dawned apon me, I would probable not be sitting down for. It was true that she and dad have repeativly told us kids not to run or ruff-house inside as something might get broken. and it _was_ a buitiful dragon too. where did i put that blasted whater boom, don’t tell me I dropped it inside to make things worse! No, no, mum had taken it off me as I ran past. Well I’m a big boy now of Seven and a half, I won’t blubber this time like I did like when I was a little kid.
Just then Mum walked into the room. She sat carmly down on my Jucky Star, Space Ranger covered bed. “Now Alex, You know why we tell you and your sisters not to run in the house?”
To this I could only nod.
“Well could you tell me so that I’m sure we are both thinking the same thing?”
“Sso things don’t get broke, llike your dragon,” I stammed.
“Good, though so you will remember that next time, before you do it, I’m going to have to punish you, so will you come over here now”
I dragged my feet over to Mum’s left, where apon she lifted me up and across her sun warmed legs. then her fingers where in my waistband, and I relized as my togs came to rest around my knees that for this spankin’ I would be of all intensive purposes, naked. Still I was a big boy now and could take it like a man, then:
SLAP! my left cheek protested to such treatment, SMACK! now the enitety of my right, was adding it’s voise to corus that I was getting from back there then SPANK! the lower of both! cried out in unison, my resolve broke, so did I. WHACK! went as mum’s steady hand added my upper and inner left thigh to the sypheny quickly followd by SPPANNNK! as the same portions of my right thigh, I stated to kick.
“Owww! Please mummy, it hurts!”
“It’s, ” SLAP! “Ment to.” SMACK! SPANK! Mum was going as stready as rain and the spanks keep hailing down on my posterier, I was really failing now, but mum keepd me steadly on her lap with her right, as my legs unhindered now in beat with my arms.
“Please Mummy,” WHACK! “I’m sooorrry!” SMACK! “I’ll won’t do it again!”
“I know,” SPPPANNK! ” you wont, thats is what ” SLAP! “this is to aid.”
Eight then as far as I concerned the world concisted of me, mum, and my firery backside, but slipping into my reality was a familur jungle that all the kids had their eyes whell tuned to recieve, the jingle of the Ice-cream truck. Talk about adding insult to injury I had been waiting all week saving my pocket money so I could by my dream cone, the Chocholate bomb, two scoops of differnt types of chocholate ice cream, coated in a chocholate shell, and here I was over my mothers knee again, I gave up and just layed there reciveing the rest of my spanking, balling like the little kid I was.
The spanking quickly finished and Mum layed my face down on my bed and softly said to me “The my hatchling, it is over, and don’t worry you will soon enough be big enough to fly”. and left me there to finish my cry with a kiss. As my sobs appated, Richie came into my room, had he stayed to watch my spanking, the sod! wait what was that in his hands…
“Your Mum gave me some money to get us some ice creams,” he beagin, lick on his cone, “and told be to wait for the Ice-cream man while she ‘delt’ with you,” he paused, then continued “Man, you could get a job stopping traffic with the job you mum gave you!, here have your own, she riminded which one you wanted”
And sure enough there in his offering hand, was my dream cone, I roled over then quickly disied to stand, and gratfully took the offered cone. Then Mum came back into the room, “Alex honney, put you togs back on, Now you two take your cones ont to the deck, and behave while I take a shower, then I might take you two down to the school’s pool.”
So the afternoon wasn’t a waste, and a couple of days later the Dragon was back! Apprently betwwen the cobination of dragon magic, and a guy call Insurance, it was hard than my mistake to kill a dragon!
EPILOGE: Many years later that dragon is now sitting on my manttle garding the eggs, but also those of my own hatchlings and those of my clutch-siblings as well.