1. A master or Prefect may for sufficient reason order a boy as many as six ferules. In exceptional cases the Prefect of Studies may order nine.
2. No boy shall receive more than six or, from the Prefect of Studies, more than nine on the same day.
3. ‘Flogging’, i.e. striking a boy with a cane or strap otherwise than on the hands is strictly forbidden except with the knowledge and express consent of the Rector. This regulation is to be understood even of a single blow of a strap or cane.
4. ‘Cuffing’ a boy i.e. striking him with the hand is absolutely forbidden.
5. The Rector is to decide whether a master may administer the punishment himself, or whether the boys should be sent for punishment to someone appointed by the Rector.
6. No master or Prefect should inflict more than one penalty at a time and, in the case of studies, should not order more than one hour without the consent of the Prefect of Studies.
7. Boys should not be sent up to the Prefect of Studies for merely trivial offenses.